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单词 lowest 例句大全,用单词lowest造句:

The photosphere is the lowest layer of the sun's atmosphere, and emits the light we see.
光球是太阳大气的最底层, 我们看到的光线就是从它发出的。
Usually the lowest quality of commodity acceptable for delivery under a futures contract.
The detailed requirements specify the lowest level abstraction of the system requirements.
Albatross nesting birds each year at least one egg production is the lowest nesting birds.
the difference between the highest and lowest value that a quantity or function may assume.
For the savage, as the lowest of men, is supposed to be actuated by the lowest of passions.
为野蛮, 最低的男人, 应该是驱动中最低的激情。
Scalar chain. The line of authority from top management to the lowest ranks is scalar chain.
Talking about Ascertaining of the Lowest Grade Indexes of Byproduction Ore in Hetai Gold Mine
In pairs of lowest, highest air temperature is broken autumn since lowermost lukewarm record.
A activist Sabu George sees even more discrimination against women and among the lowest classes.
Configuration of concerning foreign affairs or foreign nationals, lowest price, get first first.
涉外设置, 最低价格格, 先抢先得。
Social assistance is governed by federal law in Germany. It forms the lowest network of social security.
社会救济按德国联邦法律规定办理, 构成最低社会保险网络。
Europe had the highest proportion of female migrants, and western Asia and Southern Africa had the lowest.
Affection on Effective Concentration in Lowest Alveoli of Remifentanil for Enflurane with General Anesthesia
Conditions with the lowest incidence were adrenocortical carcinoma, pheochromocytoma, and pituitary adenomas.
Photosynthetic rate of alternate irrigation was the highest, fixed irrigation was the lowest in all treatment.
Being wealthmaximizers, we choose contractual arrangement in which give rise to the lowest transaction cost.
According to the regulation in state standard, this article analyses the limitation of the lowest safety voltage.
根据国家标准中的规定, 对最低安全电压限定值进行了分析。
Linoleic acid was affected by the lowest temperature in January and in July and the average temperature in August.
Decompression with instrumented fusion appears to be associated with the lowest incidences of cyst recurrence or back pain.
If an applicant approaches the lowest criterion, he or she will be accepted by preferred orientation instead of being refused.
未达最低录取标准, 得不足额录
The way of covering in the whole orchard affected fruit tree growth badly, and had the lowest output and worst quality of fruit.
全园覆盖严重影响果树生长, 其果实产量最低, 品质最差
be deeply grateful feel very much indebted be greatly appreciated We would be very grateful if you could tell us your lowest price.
如果您能告诉我们最低价格, 我们将不胜感激。
The lateral anterior malleolar artery anastomosed with the lowest perforating branch of the peroneal artery to form the lateral malleolar artery arch.
Be aware that suspended and inactive will be dealt with as before. That means they can be moved to lowest division. This will affect the rest of the league.

单词 lowest 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.最低的,最底下的,最小的  [更多..]



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