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单词 loneliness 例句大全,用单词loneliness造句:

You are a sea of peach blooms, budding loneliness in earthly world.
你不是, 你只是桃花一片, 红尘中将寂寞开满。
Her feeling of loneliness became more pronounced, and she felt tired.
Her air of complete loneliness allied with a quiet dignity touched me.
她神情一片孤寂, 却心平气和, 仪态端庄, 深深触动了我。
Loneliness is carnival for the one. Carnival is loneliness of the many.
The child that I am pitiful ah, I know your loneliness, I know your pang!
Besides unconditional loves, a pet relieves loneliness, Entin points out.
阿兰恩廷指出, 除了无条件地爱, 宠物还可以减轻孤独感。
Rapture without company is loneliness loneliness with company is rapture.
The most fearful poverty is the feeling of loneliness and being abandoned.
Since I can do too many things, there is no time to loneliness and boredom.
Coping together does lessen the burden and loneliness of a serious illness.
And then, you accept another loneliness who always louse around in the high.
Crazy thoughts through loneliness, the temptation to blur the very decadent.
loneliness is a such a sad affair and I can hardly wait to be with you again.
Bachelorhood, sometimes, is not noble but maybe more liberal than loneliness.
单身, 有时不一定是贵族。单身也许会比较自由但也比较寂寞。
Sometimes unbearable loneliness, and sometimes loneliness is a rare enjoyment!
有时孤独难以忍受, 有时孤独是难得的享受!
But it isnt only the inflammation genes that seem to be affected by loneliness.
Because of loneliness, they desire for power abuse the authority in their hands.
因为孤单寂寞想要拥有权势, 才开始玩弄权谋之术。
Moment upon moment I bear all the loneliness only to keep alive a fading promise.
Relationship between Loneliness and Attachment Style of Students in Reform School
I am a little bit of loneliness, a little bit of disregard Handful of complaints.
I would like to bid farewell to loneliness, do not know ushered in the loneliness.
我想告别寂寞, 却不知道迎来了孤独。
Apart from loneliness, there is nothing unpleasant about living on an island alone.
除了孤独, 一个人在岛上得生活倒也萧然。
just trying to make conversation just trying to keep the loneliness at bay you know
Be less than a month, because not be able to bear or endure, loneliness still went.
不到一个月, 又因不耐寂寞还是去了。
They came at least once every year or so,mainly to help Uncle besetting loneliness.

单词 loneliness 释义



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