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单词 login 例句大全,用单词login造句:

Audits can be performed by deploying a scan agent through the domain login script.
审计可以由部署扫描剂, 通过网域登录脚本。
I will only consider bids with PMs. of demos with frontend and backend login info.
Email and Password will be needed for the login, please fill out the field bellow.
电子邮箱和密码是为了您今后登录时需要, 谢谢配合!
The certificates contain the developer's login name and other personal information.
You should login the account first in order to complete an instant confirmation order.
Create an admin account. Please write down the login credentials for future reference.
For information about login credentials, contact your source code control administrator.
The project will include a login page with redirection for those that arrive by mistake.
You can skip the login of the latter , but it does have to be running in the background.
后者可以不登录, 但必须后台运行。
Text displayed to the user when a login attempt is unsuccessful due to validation errors.
Please Login, Active Your Account In Your Mailbox Or Register Your New Account, Thank You!
Unable to login to account. The account or pass phrase information specified is incorrect.
You are not currently logged in. Login with an existing account or register a new account.
After a short pause, the device management applet should load and display the login screen.
在短的停留后, 设备管理附属程序应该装载和显示登录画面。
If you need the login information for your account, please use the Account Retrieval System.
You then must check your email a confirmation link. Once clicked, you are prompted to login.
The identity mapping and the identity switch is performed by an outbound custom login module.
The attacker may be able to override a login 5 and obtain administrator privileges for a program.
黑客可能能够越过登录5, 获得程序的管理员特权。
Login modules are used to retrieve and decrypt the various tokens to get to the user credentials.
登录模块用于检索和解密各种令牌, 以获得其中的用户凭据。
My tip Set it to the same image as your desktop wallpaper for a seamlesslooking login experience.
To set up the cloud, the administrator defines the location and login credentials for the hypervisors.
要设置云, 管理员需要为管理程序定义位置和登录凭证。
The server Bismarck is currently working to capacity, which could result in inconvenient login situations.
Attribute states that this login module is required to return a valid result for the user to be authenticated.
Launch assistive technologies at login time by associating a user action with an assistive technology application.
Forum is closed due to database backup. Please refresh the screen and login after 3 minutes approximately, thank you for your cooperation!

单词 login 释义



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