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单词 lost 例句大全,用单词lost造句:

As a result of two weeks absence from work, he lost his job.
由于旷工两个星期, 他丢了工作。
Was once lost always lost really true of chastity of a woman?
European nations abandoned their search for the lost treasure.
I lost my umbrella, but claimed it at the lost property office.
我把伞丢了, 后来在失物招领处认领回来了。
As for the date trees, they have lost absolutely all their leave.
My department lost a big contract and as a result, I lost my job.
我们部门失去一桩大买卖, 我因此丢了工作。
The US field commanders reported2 lost tanks and up to5 lost APCs.
There was climber who almost lost his life because he lost his way!
Since then, they lost their ability to communicate with an audience.
Hearing his son had a car accident, his face lost all color at once.
Aaron wandered lost around the old city getting drenched in the rain.
So absorbed by the movement that she lost all sense of individuality.
由于深受那项活动得吸引, 她失去了所有个性得感觉。
So absorbed by the movement that she lost all sense of individuality.
由于深受那项活动的吸引, 她失去了所有个性的感觉。
Bayern lost not his fault, but in such a way that he's lost the right.
拜仁输球不是他的错, 但以这样的方式输球就是他的不对了。
You and your bragging!When you lost the contest, our whole class lost.
你只会吹牛!你输了比赛, 我们全班都输了。
One detainee was abused by guards after he lost control of his bladder.
Circumstances of an accident in a car accident, lost beloved girlfriend.
Provides recovery of data lost due to accidental formatting of your disk.
The corrupt late Qing government was not able to recover lost territories.
Sometimes it just a brief nap unable to think, will be lost shouted abuse.
有时候实在受不了想打个盹, 就会遭到破口大骂。
I might have lost the company if I had made a fuss over the lost customer.
It has lost only one case involving abuse of dominance in the past25 years.
And what they've lost is they basically lost a good part of their emotions.
If you're killed, you've lost a Very abundance importance part of your life.
She said she had lost her passport and hadnt been able to get back that week.
她说她护照丢了, 一直无法出境。

单词 lost 释义

  • 单词释义:失去的;迷路的;不知所措的  [更多..]



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