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单词 loud 例句大全,用单词loud造句:

The acrobat was greeted with loud applause for her wonderful performance
Alarms are designed to be purposefully loud, discordant, and disturbing.
出于警报目的, 它必然会设计成为吵闹, 刺耳和扰人心神的。
Affirm out loud that you already have what you wish you could experience.
我的神就是那个确信, 只要你有愿望, 你就能感受到它。
The aged women, in particular, were loud in their expressions of disgust.
特别是老婆子们, 都高声地表示气愤。
When he came home drunk, his wife reproached him with a loud angry voice.
当他喝醉了回家, 他太太以高而愤怒的声音责备他。
There was another loud crash and another big dent popped out in the door.
又一记撞击声, 门上多了一个大突起。
We sang carols in loud, off-key voices, saved only by that amazing soprano.
Then she sat down and wept, and AEneas wept too as loud as he possibly could.
然后她坐下来哭了起来, 爱涅阿斯也扯开嗓子放声大哭起来。
Over the loud buzzing of the smoke alarm, I asked them to identify the sound.
我的声音盖过了烟雾警报的嗡嗡声, 我叫他们辨别那声音。
loud. er, loud. est Characterized by high volume and intensity. Used of sound.
The musical result of this is an overly loud accompaniment and a weak melodic line.
The firm seems to be announcing out loud that it plans to trade against its clients.
高盛似乎是在大声宣布, 他们计划有悖于客户而作交易。
The saleman spoke in loud voice to the woman customer, who was dressed in loud clothes.
They should have used other means to shake off the pirates, like a loud acoustic device.
他们本可以利用其它方式撵走海盗, 比如使用强声装置。
Ahead of him is a guy who's dressed in sunglasses, a loud shirt, leather jacket and jeans.
President Harding s inaugural address delivered by loud speaker to more than 100, 000 people.
超过100, 000位听众通过扬声器收听哈丁总统得就职演说。
The orotund and distinct loud and remove voice of east Qing metropolis alternately rings out.
They took an oath to the LORD with loud acclamation, with shouting and with trumpets and horns.
Then they cried out with a loud voice, and stopped their ears, and ran upon him with one accord
众人大声喊叫, 捂着耳朵, 齐心拥上前去。
Acoustic sound of loud reading the book, to a sudden halt, laughing Yin Yin, the moment has passed.
On starting up from the top floor the high frequency sound of the AC propulsion motor is quite loud.
在最顶层开动时, 交流驱动机芯的声浪相当之大。
Effect of contralateral acoustic suppression on the hearing impairment of cochlea induced by loud noise
Acts 7 55 But they cried out with a loud voice and covered their ears and rushed upon him with one accord.
The manager's rebukes in loud voice and stern expression have made the clerks gathered in the out office start with alarm.
And that individuals can use the entire capacity of the times out loud yawn throughout the abyss of time one along the 13 century.

单词 loud 释义

  • 单词释义:大声的;吵闹的;艳俗的  [更多..]



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