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单词 lot 例句大全,用单词lot造句:

to an audience that contains a lot of people who know a lot more about cancer than I do.
尤其是你们中很多人 都是癌症专家,比我懂得多了。
Gastric tumorigenesis is a complicated process involved a lot of steps and aberrant genes.
Now I have lived in Chongqing for more than one year, I have seen a lot and thought a lot.
Aaron shall bring the goat whose lot falls to the Lord and sacrifice it for a sin offering.
Deliberately placed in sea a lot of abandoned vessels, could become a place of fish habitat.
Abel This trail connects a lot of quiet and lesserknown paths, and the scenery is beautiful.
这条步道是串连起鲜为人知的清幽小径, 风景很美。
This also is not difficult to explain a lot of real estate Why can the boss absconded money.
But that would have ended up with a lot of awful kickback and a hell of a lot of resistance.
但是那会以强烈的负面反响而告终 以及铺天盖地的抵制。
Every month we spend a lot of money on books. A lot of money is spent on books by us monthly.
The lot for the South Gate fell to ObedEdom, and the lot for the storehouse fell to his sons.
We're starting with something that's had a lot of stresses and a lot of problems to begin with.
我们对海洋造成了很大的压力 制造了很多麻烦。
There has been a lot of shopping going on with the bigger companies, and a lot of consolidation.
在大公司里会有很多东西要购买, 要合并。
I am also absolutely certain that a lot of aid today isn't better than giving directly to the poor.
我也确信 现在许多援助 都不比直接给穷人钱还好。
A lot of persuasion, a lot of wonderful collaboration with other people, and bit by bit, it worked.
通过大量劝说 与他人通力合作 逐渐 它走上正轨
People who are accomplishing a lot are doing a lot. Work and accomplishments are very closely related.
多劳多得, 努力和成就是密不可分的。
And I think the answer is a lot of different people are going to have to do a lot of different things.
She is gorgeous and has a lot going for her, but we have nothing in common and absolutely no chemistry.
And Aaron shall cast lots upon the two goats one lot for the LORD, and the other lot for the scapegoat.
为那两只羊拈阄, 一阄归与耶和华, 一阄归与阿撒泻勒。
I’m an occasional drinker. I don’t drink very often, but when I drink, I drink a lot. I mean A LOT.
We want to be a lot more than Japan, a lot cleaner (in Government) and a lot more effective than Japan.'
I was dazed, but fortunately I had my helmet and flak jacket on, and they absorbed a lot of the shock wave.
It's just a lot of rock, and then a lot of water and wind, and a lot of time, and you get the Grand Canyon.
很多石头,很多水和风,很多时间 你就能得到大峡谷
To have a ball means to have a lot of fun. I think you and my mother would have a lot of fun shopping together.
哎, 我是要和你妈逛街, 不是和她去打球?
Since the abolishment of agricultural duty, farmers no longer need to pay for money and rice, and their burden has reduced a lot.
What we're realizing is the biosphere doesn't care whether you have a lot of people consuming a little or a few people consuming a lot.

单词 lot 释义

  • 单词释义:份额;许多;命运;阄  [更多..]



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