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单词 loot 例句大全,用单词loot造句:

The oil best calculated to lubricate the political machine was the loot that it received.
这部政治机器最好的润滑油, 是它的非法收入。
The loot of hundred years especially big flood that does not encounter of people live home.
There have been reports of youths taking advantage of the general confusion to loot and steal.
He looked through the crack of the broken roof and saw six thieves busy dividing loot among them.
他从破损的屋顶裂缝看进去, 发现有六个小偷正忙着分赃
These armed militias would attack and beat individuals, destroy and loot property and burn houses.
The enemy's objective is to aggravate this contradiction, hence his policy of burn all, kill all, loot all.
You can collect the Loot and trade in The Collections for Big Rewards, finally help you to promote your economy.
Indeed, some missionaries went so far as to participate in opium trade, loot land property and perpetrate serious misconduct.
有的传教士竟然参与贩卖鸦片, 掠夺地产, 借教肆虐。
As bright as sun and moon, said of peaceful times., destroy ecological park and flagrant robbery loot, defy laws human and divine.
朗朗乾坤, 光天化日, 摧毁生态园又悍然抢劫分赃, 无法无天。
He had a staff of mechanics for altering watches and jewelry, warehouses to store the loot, and a sloop to convey certain stolen goods to the Continent, where they could be sold in safety.

单词 loot 释义

  • 单词释义:掠夺物,战利品;(官吏的)赃物,非法收入;抢劫;外快  [更多..]



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