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单词 saw 例句大全,用单词saw造句:

I used a band saw, a table saw and a miter saw for these cuts.
The professor was in academic costume when I saw him yesterday.
我昨天看到教授时, 他正穿着大学服。
When I saw her yesterday, she was accompanied by her boyfriend.
昨天我见到她时, 她正由她得男朋友陪着。
Scarlett saw Ashley frequently now but she never saw him alone.
Accidentally saw that to an article, reads is quite feeling sad.
偶然看到一篇文章, 读来颇让人心酸。
I saw the foolish, abashed expression on Wrestrum's face relaxed.
My father saw this in the newspaper and he gave me absolute hell.
I saw my acupuncturist weekly and the healing process accelerated.
Although she saw very depressed, but she did not abandon the ideal.
Saw off holder from bracket using a saw blade and saw blade holder.
使用锯条和锯条固定件, 从托架上锯下固定件。
When using the broken saw, a saw head is for fixing the broken saw.
在使用折断的锯条时, 通过锯条头固定折断的锯条。
When the great men of God saw what God saw, they were struck with awe.
Saw I your gait and saw I your sinewy limbs, clothed in blue, bearing.
When he opened the entrance of abode, he saw the dragon smiling at him!
但他打开他家的门时, 他看见龙在向他微笑!
Accidentally falls on the wall, am close to the wall and saw his soul fly.
偶然就落在了壁上, 我贴着壁, 看见自己的灵魂在飞舞。
When the child saw all the room filled with strangers, he was much abashed.
You need a powerful saw to cut through metal. He gashed the tree with a saw.
What's the first thing that came to mind when you saw that abstract painting?
A combined type multipurpose handsaw includes a saw blade, a bow and a handle.
And we saw that, you saw that the Joule coefficient for an ideal gas was zero.
我们会发现, 你们也会发现, 理想气体的焦耳系数是零。
Paul saw Jesus in apocalyptic visions, but he never saw Jesus' flesh and blood.
Band saw blunt files are for sharpening band saw blades having rounded gullets.
During the winter period access holes were cut through the ice with a chain saw.
冬季时用链锯将冰锯开, 形成采样洞。
Glancing over his shoulder, he saw that the entire cab of his truck was now ablaze.
BD From what I saw, the pictures I saw theyre doing just fine getting into a bikini!

单词 saw 释义

  • 单词释义:锯子;谚语,格言  [更多..]



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