He thrived on conflict and sarcasm he and Allen would argue for hours at a stretch.
他挑起争端, 讽刺挖苦和艾伦连续争吵过几个小时。
And pessimism, sarcasm or silence becomes the dominant style of family communications.
The Popular Rhapsody of Biting Sarcasm, Merry Laugh and Angry Curse Type in Han Dynasty
汉代冷嘲热讽, 嘻笑怒骂类俗赋
I do appreciate good advice so much, 'said Scarlett, with all the sarcasm she could muster.
A wellknown folk cure for insomnia Is to break in your neighbors apartment and clean. Sarcasm.
sarcasm witty language used to convey insults or scorn That does it! Ive had enough of your sarcasm. Im leaving.