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单词 sanction 例句大全,用单词sanction造句:

right sanction franchise licence permit leave warrant authorization prerogative permission
核准, 许可, 特许
Several conditions must be satisfied if purpose is to be an effective sanction of authority.
要使目的成为一种有效的权威约束, 必须满足几个条件。
In the aspect of procedure, the law should definitely prescribe the term of sanction of reprieve.
Deadline processing is coercive measures of a kind of administration is not disciplinary sanction.
In the event of illness, lateness or sanction judgereserve judge will be assigned as a replacement.
A sanction shall be authorized and procedures gone through in accordance with the relevant regulations.
The local people put up a sanction on the exported beef that threaten the domestic livestock husbandry.
Adjustment and Its Limitation with the Sanction to the Civil and Military Officials in the Qianlong Period
Dire Strains on Keeping Scientific and Technical Behavior within the Bounds of Morality and Legal Sanction
Any member of the Macao Garrison who breaches military discipline shall be subject to disciplinary sanction.
澳门驻军人员违反军队纪律的, 给予纪律处分。
However, a party which is engaged in maritime operations must comply with the sanction before filing a suit.
Where a traffic policeman is discharged as a sanction or is dismissed, his police rank shall be deprived of.
The due date for review of an account shall normally be the anniversary date of last sanction of the account.
The logicality mainly shows by assuming the form, arrangement of ideas and scientificalness handling sanction.
The dustbin should be set up more, issue the behavior that relevant measure sanction destroys the environment.
Any member of the Hong Kong Garrison who breaches military discipline shall be subject to disciplinary sanction.
Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger will reluctantly sanction Cole's move across London to join the Premiership champions.
This article provides, as sanction, the imprisonment from4 to8 years with confiscation of property or without it.
Furthermore, the association shall alsoinform FIFA of any sanction proceedings that are instituted andtheir outcome.
此外, 协会应将已进行的处罚程序及结果通知国际足联。
If the circumstance is serious, he shall be given an administrative sanction of dismissal from his post or expulsion.
If the case is not serious enough to constitute a crime, he shall be given disciplinary sanction in accordance with law.
Sanction proceedings may be initiated bythe relevant association or by FIFA, either on its own initiative or uponrequest.
if the circumstances are serious, the offender may be given an administrative sanction in the light of the actual conditions.
情节严重的, 可以根据具体情况给予行政处分。
The police rank of any traffic policeman who is imposed upon an administrative sanction below removal from post shall be degraded.
受到撤职以下行政处分的交通警察, 应当降低警衔。
Some Patterns Concerning Relief System of Administrative Sanction Against Civil Servants in Western Countries and Inspiration therefrom

单词 sanction 释义

  • 单词释义:制裁,处罚;批准,认可;约束力;鼓励  [更多..]



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