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单词 sandal 例句大全,用单词sandal造句:

A sandal with a sole made of rope or rubber and a cloth upper part.
A leather thong or strap used to fasten a shoe or sandal on the foot.
So when the kinsman said to boaz, buy it for yourself, he drew off his sandal.
Sandal wearers should apply the block stick to the feet before putting on sandals.
That s all suitable to wear thong sandal, beachcomber shoe or slipper to the beach.
So the closest relative said to Boaz, Buy it for yourself. And he removed his sandal.
This sandal is 32 times bigger than a human foot, equivalent of the size of 879 shoes.
她脚上的鞋子大小是人脚的32倍, 相当于879码的鞋
Around 2000 BC, the oldest known example of a sandal was made of woven papyrus in Egypt.
I suffer from beriberi to already had a few years, need to change sandal to just go to the summer.
The series of Hexie craft straw sandal is the series craft straw sandal which our company develops.
Additional, the upper of sandal had better not tall not low, it is a standard with squeezing anklebone.
Additional, the upper of sandal had better not tall not low, it is a standard with blocking anklebone. 1.
Not the sweet smell of flowers, not even the fragrance of sandal, tagara, or jasmine blows against the wind.
花香不能逆风吹送, 檀香木, 多伽罗及茉莉之香亦不能
It is the tract of the Malaya Hills of Sanskrit literature where grow the cardamum creeper and the Sandal Tree.
BandAid Friction Block Stick works by reducing the friction cause by the rubbing of the sandal against your skin.
The Indian makes flavor combustion with sandal for quite a long time, it can be helped static reach contemplative.
印度人长久以来用檀香木作香料燃烧, 它能帮助入静及冥想。
The differences were that her long and loose hair was bound by a handkerchief and a pair of sandal was on her feet.
The utility model relates to a dualpurpose sandal whose rear sandal loop is connected with a vamp by riveting buttons.
一种两用凉鞋, 其凉鞋的后鞋襻与鞋面由铆扣联接。

单词 sandal 释义

  • 单词释义:凉鞋,草带鞋;[植]檀香木  [更多..]



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