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单词 sapphire 例句大全,用单词sapphire造句:

An Inquiry into the Mechanism of the Colour Change of Sapphire Acquiring from Mingxi
Blue Spring A Study of Colour assuming Mechanism and Modifying Test of Su Lu Sapphire
Unique ring designed by Frida Jeppsson for the Bombay Sapphire Designer Glass Awards.
Any of various yellow gemstones, especially a yellow variety of sapphire or corundum.
黄宝石一种黄色的宝石, 特别是黄色的刚玉宝石
This machine is designed for double side polishing of optical crystal, sapphire, etc.
wide operation principle5, The import sapphire crystal protract longevity of service.
进口蓝宝石晶体, 寿命更长。
A new sapphire fiber high temperature sensor sputtered the ceramics film is described.
Each diode is cut from a wafer of crystals layered over a base of silicon or sapphire.
Sapphire color and too deep, longitudinal is superior, also hard to depict the famous.
The sapphire, the ruby and the cat's eye gem are subject to the common people to like.
Experimental study on color alteration of natural sapphire from mingxi, fujian Province
He surreptitiously slips a sapphire ring on her finger and asks her to move in with him!
他突然偷偷地替她戴上一只戒指, 并叫她与他同居。
The Logan sapphire is one of the largest blue sapphire gems known. It weighs 421 carats.
The Logan sapphire is one of the largest blue sapphire gems known. It weighs 423 carats.
But indeed, people have found some kind of precious stones, such as sapphire and emerald.
但人们确实在这儿发现了一些宝石, 像蓝宝石和绿宝石。
with d the jade color wicked 4 kind of basic tones , calls baiyu , the topaz , the sapphire.
和阗玉颜色有4种基本色调, 称之白玉黄玉青玉墨玉。
All authorities on gems agree that the diamond, ruby, sapphire, and emerald are precious stones.
William even proposed with the 18carat diamond and sapphire ring that had belonged to his mother.
When were XingYou sapphire understand the truth was up the enemys scheme works simultaneously destroy.
This is our pride and joy an eleven year old Golden Head Sapphire Gold brooder, tag number 293B06E11EE0.
Temperature Distribution of Sapphire Probe of Laser Scalpel Measured by Photothermal Deflection Technique
At sunrise riverside flowers blossom more red than fire, in spring green river waves grow as blue as sapphire.
日出江花红胜火, 春来江水绿如蓝
The variety of boule includes ruby, starlight ruby, sapphire, beautiful sapphire and starlight sapphire.
Note 2 The guidepressure hole in the process connection mode of sapphire transmitter only to be able to choose 3.
This paper puts forward one of the methods to determine ruby, sapphire and jadeite with the Laser Raman Spectrascopy.

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