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单词 satisfied 例句大全,用单词satisfied造句:

The outcome of the negotiations appeared to have satisfied the wishes of everyone involved.
Meng likes eating the bean sprouts stuffing dumpling, today I wanna satisfied her appetite.
The peach word of the farm is big to get this year abundant, this ream we are very satisfied.
First, the airship must fly the Nanjing sky, this condition satisfied possibility is very big.
首先, 飞船必须飞到南京上空, 这个条件满足的可能性很大。
I because such sincere, is often the original poster adopted, set to satisfied with the answer.
我因为这样的真诚, 经常被楼主采纳, 设置为满意答案。
The greater the number of satisfied clients, the more successful and reputed an agent would be.
越多得客户满意, 更成功将银饰代理人。
Unless these rcquirements are satisfied, it is impossible to achieve quick decision in a battle.
As of the date of adoption, Norwegian domestic law satisfied the requirements of resolution1373.
Have satisfied himself as to the correctness and sufficiency of the Accepted Contract Amount, and
Recently, the research on biostimulation effect of low energy lase has got satisfied achievement.
We advise to try it for one year. We can renew it on its expiry if we both are satisfied with it.
我们建议试行一年。倘全都满意, 可在协议期满时续订。
Unless these requirements satisfied, it is impossible achieve quick decision in a campaign or battle.
不解决这些条件, 而求战役或战斗的速决, 是不可能的。
A certain degree of calendering operation can be satisfied without the user adding lubricating agent.
Simulation results show that the missile can be satisfied to realize attitude adjustment efficiently.
It makes me so satisfied to crouch down welcoming children rushing into my arm with their arms apart.
我一蹲下来, 孩子就张开双臂搂我, 我太满足了!
Experimentation result indicates that the arithmetic satisfied required control precision and placidity.
We suggest that you take advantage of the enclosed order and ensure that you will be completely satisfied.
Great results can not be achieved at once; and we must be satisfied to advance in life as we walk, step by step.
From testing, the response speed and high precision of the electric actuator satisfied system design requirements.
Where the transferee is not satisfied with the order, it may apply for reconsideration which could be granted only once.
With respect to the obligatory rights specified in the preceding paragraph, that arising later shall be satisfied first.
Although still poor, he is quite satisfied with his life, so he is completely apolitical, regardless of the apartheid around.
The application of the Fourier series with supplementary terms ensures that the arbitrary boundary conditions can be satisfied.
One should also apprise oneself of the statutory duties of a director and be satisfied that one is in a position to discharge the same before accepting the appointment.
The CPF Board must be satisfied that the applicant has truly been retrenched by his employer, and not someone who chose to be retrenched because he does not feel like working.
申请者也须是真正被裁的员工, 而不是不想工作打算吃老本。

单词 satisfied 释义

  • 单词释义:满意的;欣慰的;信服的  [更多..]



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