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单词 salted 例句大全,用单词salted造句:

The salted preserved beef always good to boost the muscles.
Wash the rice carefully add it to the boiling salted water.
Other fish, salted or in brine but not dried or smoked, nes
Effects of Trehalose on Actomyosin of Salted Pike Eel Muscle
As soon as I came out he handed me a bottle of salted water.
我一出来, 他就拿给我一瓶盐水。
Acute neurobehavioral toxicity of Salted aconite root on mice
Wash the rice carefully and add it to the boiling salted water.
Buy Dry Salted Or Wetblue Sheep, Goat And Cow Leather For Glovin
巴基斯坦求购羊皮, 牛皮
The fish or seafood is heavily salted with pure sodium chloride.
The noodles are cooked in plenty of lightly salted boiling water.
As soon as I came out he handed me a bottle of salted soda water.
我一出来, 他就拿给我一瓶盐汽水。
Blanch the asparagus in well salted water and chill in an ice bath.
将芦笋放在盐水中煮, 然后浸泡在冰水中。
Ham comes to us smoked or salted, and many hams are packed in cans.
It consisted of two rice balls, salted fish and pickled vegetables.
包括两个饭团, 咸鱼和泡菜。
He took a seat in the restaurant and ordered a dish of salted shrimp.
Some other items in this category are red wine, beer, and salted fish.
If you like the yolk of salted eggs, you can insert one in the centre.
Salted peanut butter still has about twice as much potassium as sodium.
When a white mycelium develops, the cubes, are aged in salted rice wine.
当白色菌丝形成后, 豆腐块被放在咸的米酒中成熟。
Place in a saucepan, cover with cold salted water and bring to the boil.
Cabbage, gherkin, ham and many types of fish are salted for preservation.
卷心菜,小黄瓜 ,火腿及多种鱼类均可腌制保存。
Movie heaven is anything on a big screen with a big bag of salted popcorn.
电影的天堂是在大屏幕上的任何事, 拿着一大包盐味爆米花。
Studies on the Color of Fresh White Salted Noodle and Its Affecting Factors
Wash the rice, add it to the boiling salted and boil slowly for 15 minutes.
Crumble the salted egg yolk, and add in wok with butter, cook until melted.
咸蛋黄压碎, 连同牛油加入镬中, 煮至融化。

单词 salted 释义

  • 单词释义:盐腌的;盐味的;有经验的;(动物)有免疫力的  [更多..]



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