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单词 rumor 例句大全,用单词rumor造句:

Rumor has it you were the one who outsmarted the artificial intelligence.
During the inspection of military bases, Chavez did not forget the rumor.
在视察军事基地期间, 查韦斯不忘辟谣。
Finally there was a rumor that commercials were not buying deferred corn.
A Google spokesman said the company doesnt comment on rumor or speculation.
The Prime Minister refused to comment on the rumor he had planned to resign.
Royanian added that talk of different prices now circulating is just a rumor.
他补充说, 有关不同价格的说法只是谣传。
He refused to make any comment on the rumor that he had bribed the officials.
Apocryphal information abounds, blurring the boundary between truth and rumor.
Rumor circulated state import restriction shortly however ourselves unbelieving.
As is expected with a rumor of this nature, the company has declined to comment.
Some media comment said that this is precisely possibly this rumor blasting fuse.
I cast doubts on the rumor that the manager is having an affair with his assistant.
Rumor has it that Hill prolific bamboo, people in the bamboo, do brooms system named.
Since they dismissed the engagement rumor, they have been seen on the verge of breakup.
There was a rumor that the rightwing marshal had been discharged by Federal Tax Bureau.
曾有谣言说, 那位右派的执行官已被联邦税务局解雇。
Rumor has it that admission is free to anyone who actually finishes climbing the front steps.
So there was rumor that she was a drug addict, and both of her arms were full of needle holes.
And that this rumor started in 2003 and has since reoccurred at the end of August every year since.
这传言开始于2003年, 从此每年8月底都会再现。
It turned out that there was another rumor spreading saying Chen Qingyang and I committed adultery.
原来又有了另一种传闻, 说她在和我搞破鞋。
But Yao Ming yesterday acted to clarify the rumor very quickly, this command many people disappointed.
但姚明本人昨天很快出面澄清了谣言, 这令不少人失望不已。
Rumor had it that Tony declared that he would bring a bottle of liquor to the ceremony to enjoy the show.
据说伟仔坦承会带瓶酒出席颁奖礼, 边看边喝。
What is the effect of propaganda and rumor, in cases where the sources of accurate information are cut off?
The Ministry of Public Health denied the rumor, saying that there are no people affected by the Ebola virus in the mainland.
The rumor mill or grapevine , as it is sometimes called, is an important way for employees to communicate informally within organizations.
The vast north national customs deliver the spring to arrive at the prairie, goes full steam ahead treads the spring tide madrigal along with the rumor.
浩浩北国风送春到草原, 万马奔腾踏春潮牧歌随风传。

单词 rumor 释义

  • 单词释义:<美>传闻;[古]名誉;咕哝;[古]喧嚷  [更多..]



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