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单词 ruth 例句大全,用单词ruth造句:

Ruth asked suddenly alarmed by the effort he was making to contain himself.
Ruth has gone back to California for good. She will not return to the East.
Its fit for a gourmet, said Ruth. Anyway, let me tell you more about my book.
He saw noble and beautiful visions, but he could only whine and bark at Ruth.
Ruth tried to divert him with village gossip but he's really not in the mood.
露丝试着拿村里的流言蜚语逗他开心, 但他真的没有心情。
So he waited with Ruth and watched, desiring to speak his love but not daring.
Cargo discharged from the vessel Ruth was the first handled by the new machine.
With her fine grades Ruth has it made and can enter any college in the country.
鲁思成绩优异, 保证能顺利地进入国内任何一所大学。
He conceived that it would be fine to let that event apprise Ruth of his return.
Ty Cobb and Babe Ruth were 1936 inductees in the national baseball hall of fame.
Where did Ruth Handlers inspiration for the design of the Barbie doll come from?
Ruth was asleep, so he crept quietly downstairs, lit the fire and heated the tea.
露丝还没醒, 他轻手轻脚地模下楼, 点起火来热茶。
Ruth takes Sheila into the Marketing Department while David waits on the landing.
My good friend Ruth and I both worked in the kitchen of the dining hall at school.
Ruth talks about her trip to Europe all the time, and her friends are tired of it.
露丝三番两次地谈她的欧洲之行, 她的朋友们都听腻了。
Slightly FML Ruth Ellis was the last woman to be put to DEATHBY hanging in britain.
Simon and Ruth were fulsome in their compliments about the meal we cooked for them.
And there was all the mysterious delight and spiritual wonder of his love for Ruth.
Softly, but persistently, she was sobbing. None could cry with such dexterity as Ruth Day.
Ruth Heller shows how snakes, turtles, and other interesting reptiles are experts as camouflage.
Vast human sea life such as Ruth, to find the most suitable one is easier said than done their own?
茫人海, 人生如露, 要找到最合适自己的那一个谈何容易?
Ruth is taking David and Sheila to their new jobs in the Advertising Section and the Marketing Department.
Ruth had dried her eyes, she regarded him now with an expression which seemed part amused, part sorrowful.
Ruth dropped to her knees, then lay flat on her belly as she scooted herself closer and closer to the edge of the cliff.
BuyersChoice of Online Search Strategy and Its Managerial Implications By Sen, Ravi King, Ruth C. Shaw, Michael J.

单词 ruth 释义

  • 单词释义:n.怜悯,悲哀 Ruth 鲁思(女子名)  [更多..]



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