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单词 safer 例句大全,用单词safer造句:

Legislatively standardizing sports drugs makes sports competition fairer and safer
In fact, as cars get safer, drivers seem to compensate by taking even bigger risks.
实际上, 汽车安全系数越高, 似乎司机挑战风险的意愿越强。
You would like to keep private, it would be safer for you to cancel the submission.
想要保密的信息, 请最好取消此次提交。
It promised to be cheaper, safer and more environmentally friendly than cobalt oxide.
Notify of danger or of a risk. It is safer to hear and take counsel, than to give it.
告诉别人危险或风险。忠告冒风险, 受功较安全。
SAFER SEX IN THE NEW Millennium Prepared by Kuala Lumpur AIDS Support Services Society
Traveling companions not only enrich the experience of travel, but also make it safer.
Aim Evaluation on effectiveness and safer less to cure rheumatic arthritis with children.
Let's just look at something like, you know, solving problems with making airlines safer.
我们不妨看一个具体的问题 比如如何让飞行变得更加安全
Objective To modify dissection plane areasoned and safer procedure, decrease complication.
Spread trades are much safer than directional trades, with even lower margin requirements.
价差交易比方向交易安全多了, 需要的保证金也低。
They make it also a bit safer for the participants because they give the part of anonymity.
网络的匿名性则 提高了参加反抗运动的安全性。
And if you've managed to build a fire, you can now boil the water, making it safer to drink.
如果你能生起一堆火, 就能把水烧开, 然后就可以放心饮用了。
Votive candle, placed in a clear glass candle holder is safer and will actually last longer.
It is safer to use the first dorsal metatarsal artery system as the second blood supply system.
Waiting for such opportunities requires patience, but it is infinitely safer than chasing rallies.
Resulting in less stress on the posterior cruciate ligament for a safer , more effective movement.
字型韧带的压力, 使锻鍊更加安全有效。
Conclusion Myocardial protection with intermittent blood cardioplegia is clinically safer procedure.
Have after lacteal cancer excises operation more effective than changing cure safer remedial method?
However, using controlled release techniques could make the application of agents safer and more efficient.
然而, 可控释放技术的采用就可以安全和有效地进行避免。
Tremendous opportunities exist for advanced battery developments and safer and more cost effective recycling.
Examples of foods that are made safer or have a longer shelflife through processing are UHT milk and canned tuna.
He made for the moment no further reference to their great question, but dipped again into shallower and safer waters.
So that, Consistent use of the best possible suctioning technique ensures safer suctioning and maintains airway patent.
climbing in and out of the bath tub could be dangerous. shower stalls are safer. shower curtain is better than sliding glass door.
他看起来足有一个月没有洗澡, 两只手脏得要命。

单词 safer 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.safe的比较级  [更多..]



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