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单词 rule 例句大全,用单词rule造句:

On the Principle of Governing the Country by Combining the Rule of Law and the Rule of Virtue
Concerning fairness, substantial fairness rule and procedural fairness rule are almost equal.
The index focuses on the presence of the rule of law and the absence of government regulation.
Historical Logic and Rational Basis of the Combining of the Rule by Law and the Rule by Virtue
The rule of law versus the rule of men is not the delimitation of two distinct places or times.
Building the rule of law requests restrictions of power, prevents abuse of power and corruption.
Full Promotion of Running a Country with Virtue by Equal Stress on Rule of Oirtue and Rule of Law
An authorization rule timeout is required.Enter an authorization rule timeout value and try again.
Any abuse of power or instance of corruption by public officials is a violation of the rule of law.
The Study on the Rule Reduction Algorithm about an Active Rule Set with Dependent Triggering Cycles
On the Humanistic Concept of Running the Country by Combining the Rule of Law with the Rule of Virtue
论法, 德兼治的人文理念
Judge Rule Revision of Freestyle Skiing and the Impact of Rule Revision in the Development of Aerials
abstract Objective To explore the general rule of metastasis on lymph nodes of gastric cardia carcinoma.
Represents an abstraction of an access control entry that defines an access rule for a file or directory.
Emulational research on mechanical disposal of Xiaowan Hydropower Station placement based on abundance rule
Walk in the path defined by rule, and accommodate yourself to the enemy until you can fight a decisive battle.
践墨随敌, 以决战事。
Rule of bed load transport in tidal reach of the Yangtze River and distributing rule along the river are studied.
Statistical abnormality examining and examining based on rule are generally accepted in intrusion detection module.
Administrative power under the rule of law means the consequences of the abuse of power is the legal accountability.
The basic cognitive rule for people to know the world is from the near to the far and from the concrete to the abstract.
人们的基本认知规律是由近及远, 由具体到抽象的。
The establishment of the Rule of Law Coordination and Resource Group would fortify United Nations rule of law activities.
The reanalysis of the rule whether a unit repeat offender need to be severely punished by the rule of anticipatory penalty.
Combining the practic of governing the country by the rule of law with the practice of governing the country by the rule of virtue
The job offers prospects of promotion. Break a rule to promote sb to associate professor; give sb. an accelerated promotion to associate professor
The senate advanced him from a lectureship to a professorship Break a rule to promote sb to associate professor; give sb. an accelerated promotion to associate professor.

单词 rule 释义

  • 单词释义:规则,条例;行事准则;常规;统治;尺  [更多..]



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