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单词 ruler 例句大全,用单词ruler造句:

When a plastic ruler is rubbed against a piece of woollen cloth, it attracts hair.
当塑料尺子摩擦一块羊毛布的时候, 它会吸引头发。
The Aztec ruler Montezuma was believed to drink fifty cups of chocolate every day.
Move the playhead to the point in the beat ruler where you want to start recording.
By default, there are no tab stops on the ruler when you open a new blank document.
At last, the ruler of Jin took his advice and put the farmer in an important position.
A ruler, an official, or an important person in India and some central Asian countries.
Even senile supreme ruler, do not want to automatically take off the crown of the head.
Square the page off with your ruler, then you'll be able to copy the drawing accurately.
先用尺在纸上划出方格, 描下图案就容易了。
the autocrat and traitor to the people a brutal ruler who has committed a lot of crimes.
The third house is a cadent natural sign ruler is Gemini natural planetary ruler is Mercury.
admitted caning a fouryearold girl with a rattan stick and a metal ruler for wetting herself.
Duke Pingyuan of Zhao planned to ask the ruler of the state of Chu personally for assistance.
If the ruler appoints virtuous men of experience and age, myriad affairs will be well managed.
君主信任年高德助的老臣, 万事都能治好。
Mirabell Palace, whose existence is closely associated with Archbishop, the ruler of Salzburg.
Bloodlust and power raged within Zeus, his desire to ruler over mortals was intolerable to lust.
Installing aim at ruler, raising loads membrane speed, reducing the photosensitive membrane wastes.
Xie Hui could go with the stream and assist the new ruler, but he was still regarded as a dissident.
Therefore, if the ruler's beneficence extends to the people, the Capable will give their allegiance.
A compass rotation ruler is provided with small circular holes which are arranged through previous measurement.
A magnifying glass is arranged on the ruler body for facilitating the handwriting identification for an accountant.
为了方便会计人员进行字迹辨认, 尺体上设有放大镜。
After death, since he had so many years of experience, the grand ruler of the ghost world also appointed him a judge.
死后, 由于他有这麽多年的经验, 阎罗王便也派他为法官。
ruler exercising selfderived, absolute power despot The autocrat was replaced by a ruler responsible to the people.
What view do you think the play takes of the right relation between ruler and subject, and between parent and offspring?
这剧对于君与臣, 父与子之间正确的关系, 持怎样的观点?
After we putting a metal ruler onto a balloon which carries static electricity, will the balloon lose some of the electricity?
当我们把铁尺放在带有静电的气球上, 气球会流失静电吗?
In the Analects of Confucius, there are the following words: to run a country with morality wins a ruler the respect that the Pole Star gets, circled by numerous other stars.

单词 ruler 释义

  • 单词释义:尺;直尺;统治者  [更多..]



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