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单词 roost 例句大全,用单词roost造句:

Bald eagles and ospreys roost in the old cottonwoods that line the gravel shores.
Banshees roost on the roofs of the modules, and stingbats flutter about, unimpeded.
An old woman in the Kleine Schanze gardens sees the birds momentarily roost in a bush.
A man of practice sometime can take benevolence as a shortcut and take righteousness as roost.
But long after the red cockaded woodpeckers had gone to roost, the ornithologists were still there.
Business dinners are best carried out on the first floor while couples are advised to roost upstairs.
一楼适合商务用餐, 而二楼则是情侣们的天地。
The pigeons were just gathering to roost, and sunlight slanted on the dovecot, on their snowy feathers.
鸽子正群集归栖, 日光斜照在鸽埘上, 照在他们雪白的羽毛上。
Politicians can fool some people some of the time, but in the end, the chickens will come home to roost.
The subject of weather will encourage even the roost reserved of Englishmen to enter into a discussionconversation.
Whereas the Qassam Brigades once ruled the roost, Hamass boorish interior minister, Fathi Hamad, now wants his own forces to do so.

单词 roost 释义

  • 单词释义:栖木,鸡棚;(鸟类)栖息处;歇息处  [更多..]



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