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单词 ripe 例句大全,用单词ripe造句:

The ripe characteristics of qiuxiang pear under natural ripening and artificial ripening
live to ripe old age in conjugal Bliss remain a devoted couple to the end of their lives.
Material 12 ripe soft avocado, 2 to 3 soupspoons fresh cream, 32 teaspoon of lemon juice.
材料12个熟软的酪梨, 2到3汤匙的鲜奶油, 32茶匙的柠檬汁。
When one banana is ripe, it will give off a gas which then helps all the others to ripen.
当一根香蕉成熟了, 它便会释放出一种气体催熟其它香蕉。
Because general Er ripe tea is course wetting caboodle, can produce a ripe ingredient so.
普洱熟茶因为是经过渥堆, 所以会产生一股熟味。
Medium to full bodied with ripe plums and berry flavors and a long, persistent aftertaste.
The wines typically show a lot of ripe fruit a lovely perfumed character and balanced oak.
Product Description The Avocado, when ripe, has a dull skin colour and creamy yellow flesh.
中文描述鳄梨熟时, 暗色果皮, 乳脂状黄色果肉。
Winter squashes are eaten when ripe whereas summer squashes are eaten before they are ripe.
A rock hard avocado is not yet ripe so if you choose that one, dont plan to eat it that day.
The medium bodied palate is ripe and expressive with ample blood plum and sweet cherry fruit.
Forming of Using the Subject to be Ripe in Terms of the Spring and Autumn Language and Theory
Acoustic logging and density logging are the ripe and conventional techniques for gas finding.
The method of production of high purity hydrogen by low temperature adsorption is ripe in China.
The dried ripe fruit of aromatic, herbaceous plant, fennel grows well in most mild climates.
The wine is golden yellow in color with inviting aromas of ripe apple, vanilla and hints of butter.
This shall be my song all through this autumn day. Is it not as a ripe apple from the tree of life ?
The varieties with quick accumulating speed during the later stage have more dry weight in ripe stage.
Full, ripe fruit flavors are balanced by well integrated oak, soft tannins and a full well rounded palate.
In areas where conditions are ripe , agricultural taxes could be reduced further or be eliminated, he said.
好极了, 我现在可以吃一些, 这些青的过几天就熟了。
Its green ripe fruit is green, and its old ripe fruit is bright red and shiny, with a strong hot fragrance.
On the palate, ripe grape tannins blend with the tannin of the oak casks to produce a perfectly balanced wine.
Without a cold, hard are ripe peach, lee ripe branch flow Dan residual, growing flowers easy treant difficult.
不计辛勤一砚寒, 桃熟流丹, 李熟枝残, 种花容易树人难。
Quantiative Analyses on Main Weed Species Ecological Similarity in Summer Ripe Fields of Middle Zhejiang Province
Artfully accompanies grilled red meats, ripe cheeses and savory dishes including spicy Italian and Mediterranean food.
与烤肉, 奶酪或意式和地中海风味的小吃搭配都有很好表现。

单词 ripe 释义

  • 单词释义:成熟的;口味浓郁的;难闻的;时机成熟的  [更多..]



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