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单词 roundly 例句大全,用单词roundly造句:

Its overt failure to prevent such looting was roundly condemned by thinking people everywhere.
It means that the clarion for roundly advancing quality education has blew at educational battlefront.
这意味着, 克拉里恩为全面推进素质教育已在教育战线引爆。
He hurriedly returned the muddy brat to the second wife, who took this as an insult and reviled him roundly.
二太太以为他这是存心轻看她, 冲口而出的把他骂了个花瓜。

单词 roundly 释义

  • 单词释义:严厉地;粗暴地;大概地;约略地  [更多..]



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