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单词 roman 例句大全,用单词roman造句:

The topic of honest administration during Roman Republic is a new problem for study.
Trend of the Roman Small Farmers During the Time When Teuton Invaded the Roman World
An additional cognomen given to a Roman citizen, often in honor of military victories.
Roman Jakobson, a famous linguist, is the first person that adopts the permian semiotics.
Adherence to the aesthetic values embodied in ancient Greek and Roman art and literature.
The Policy of Religious Revival in Augustus Times and Its Affection to Roman Social Lives
In Roman Catholicism, apologetics refers to the defense of the whole of Catholic teaching.
The former Israel manager is believed to be a close friend of Blues owner Roman Abramovich.
The incapacity of the Roman imperialism for novelty in methods of transport again is amazing.
Since the Roman law has been liquidated by the national legislation system was widely adopted.
自罗马法以来, 违约金制度就被各国立法所普遍采纳。
But they have common antecedents in Greek and Roman civilisation and monotheistic Christianity.
但它们都源于希腊与罗马文明, 以及一神论的基督教。
I have always loved acting , Id love to see you wearing a Roman toga and reciting Shakespeare.
Preoccupation system originated from Roman law, is one of primitive acquisition mode of ownership.
先占制度起源于罗马法, 是所有权的原始取得方式之一。
The education of oratory was the most important content and the ultimate aim in the Roman education.
Political Role of the Domestic and Emancipated Slaves in the Late Roman Republic and Early Roman Empire
Roman civilization was very advanced technologically. For instance, they had underfloor central heating.
Indeed, he was one in whom the ancient Roman honour more appeared than in any that drew breath in Italy.
Women really have the opportunity to play with their hairas theywould clothes or accessories, said Roman.
Roman's trailblazing actions caused other rich investors to start sniffing around other Premiership clubs.
The sound of a bell rung in Roman Catholic churches to announce the time when the Angelus should be recited.
Roman consul and writer, the nephew of Pliny the Elder. His letters provide valuable information about Roman life.
Being Roman Tam's student, people had high expectations for this newcomer's songs and vocal performance on the album.
作为罗文的学生, 人们对这个新人的歌曲有著很高的期望。
At the end of Roman Republic, the honest administration was defeated and destroyed completely under the willful trample of violence.
Mr Zizola is nostalgic for the very early days when saints were made either by popular acclamation or by local bishops, and the Roman hierarchy had nothing to do with it.
Koine is a dialect of ancient Greek that was the lingua franca of the empire of alexander the great and was widely spoken throughout the eastern mediterranean area in roman times.

单词 roman 释义

  • 单词释义:古罗马的;罗马人的;罗马基督教会的;天主教的  [更多..]



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