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单词 rogue 例句大全,用单词rogue造句:

The rogue firepower appeared to come from blackclad men armed with assault rifles and explosives.
Danger Sense At 5th level, a psychic rogue gains the ability to augment his ability to sense danger.
危险感知在第5级, 灵能游荡者将得到感知危险的能力。
Without fleet footed and without shadowstep, a combat rogue is easily kited even with improve sprint.
Improved Evasion When a rogue fails a Reflex save to avoid damage, he or she suffers only half damage.
The rogue talent Mutilate will no longer incorrectly appear multiple times in the combat log when used.
How could the international community enhance its control over the transfer of weapons to rogue groups?
Should the psychic rogue score a critical hit with a sneak attack, this extra damage is not multiplied.
如果灵能游荡者在偷袭中造成重击, 额外伤害不能翻倍。
We agree with you about how an Assassination rogue should play setting up a kill and then delivering it.
Rogue Drone escalating path dungeons should now escalate appropriately instead of not escalating at all.
During combat, when a rogue engages their opponent, the enemy target indicator will have5 unlit bubbles.
Virus, a Trojan horse rogue procedures, advertising method or procedure to remove special software killing.
He also got a new pilot for Rogue Shadow, Juno Eclipse, who had been captain of Vaders Black Eight Squadron.
风暴中队下令摧毁敌人弹道导弹发射装置, 目标代号
Basic and easy to get crafting components can be used to enhance the effect and quantity of Rogue crafted tools.
Computer systems throughout the country are being affected by a series of mysterious rogue programs, known as viruses.
Because we 've been living with the rogue DNA (the proviruses) for a long time, the diseases it causes have evolved into fairly harmless forms and don't cause us problems.

单词 rogue 释义

  • 单词释义:流氓,无赖;调皮捣蛋的人人;离群的野兽  [更多..]



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