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单词 ridden 例句大全,用单词ridden造句:

a board with wheels that is ridden in a standing or crouching position
He always has ridden dangerous horses, and he's never come to any harm.
Ridden with warlordism and banditry; the country was in a state of chaos.
Brothers great saber which has ridden the whirlwind was cleared up freshly!
He has ridden horses since he was young, so he has bowlegs after growing up.
由于从小骑马, 长大后他成了罗圈儿腿。
We made her stop shed fain have ridden forwards, afeard you should be uneasy.
A woman hangs clothes on the balcony of her bullet ridden apartment building.
一个妇女正在阳台上晾晒衣服, 她身后的公寓满是弹痕。
In his youth he had ridden through many lands, and he fought in many a battle.
年轻的时候, 他曾驰骋南北, 参加过多次战役。
I had never ridden on a motorcycle before. But it was too late to chicken out.
Guilt ridden, parents then indulge their children with gifts and indiscipline.
When the first time is ridden, I feel that excitation is a little bit dreadful.
Everybody who has ridden the New York subway system will be familiar with these signs?
每个曾经做过纽约地铁的人应该 都对这些标识很熟悉吧?
Koto has ridden passenger trains in Malaysia, Thailand, Korea, Taiwan, China and Japan.
I'd have nightmares thinking they were being ridden with saddle galls and not groomed properly.
Bennigsen began explaining to a general who had ridden up to him the whole position of our troops.
Just should start to talk accusatorial, the old man says later again, had you ridden to build motor?
Ridden with warlordism and banditry, the country was then in a dark, troubled period of its history.
当时军阀混战, 盗贼横行, 真是昏天黑地。
Today, I asked my brother to make me a drink of chocolate milk because I am bed ridden after breaking my leg.
Have them bring a royal robe the king has worn and a horse the king has ridden, one with a royal crest placed on its head.
Art, which is the conqueror, should have for support science, which is the walker; the solidity of the creature which is ridden is of importance.

单词 ridden 释义

  • 单词释义:(通常构成复合词)充满(某种不良事物)的;满是的;受…困扰的;ride 的过去分词  [更多..]



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