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单词 rubbish 例句大全,用单词rubbish造句:

The Australian generally have good concept of classifying rubbish.
Two polar bear cubs play with rubbish along the Barter Island shore.
Rubbish collectors are waiting to collect rubbish that just arrives.
You can also make your own sandbags by filling rubbish bags with earth.
What if rubbish had not been allowed to accumulate beneath the escalator
Water sewer usage billing, Weed Rubbish issues including Lien Research.
The table below shows how much rubbish is thrown away in Britain every year.
Reality has a nasty way of throwing investors'assumptions onto the rubbish heap.
Next, rubbish discharge can gain money, will damage advertisement advocate interest.
其次, 垃圾流量能赚到钱, 将损害广告主的利益。
He used to argue with people, threw away rubbish freely, and welter in online games.
过去经常与别人吵架, 乱扔垃圾, 沉迷于网络游戏。
I'm going to tell about recycling and how we deal with our rubbish here in australia.
Clean up the ash rubbish and clinkers on the bricklaying parts, and keep the base humid.
砌筑部位的灰渣, 杂物应清除干净, 基层浇水湿润。
When you throw rubbish AT home, make sure thAT all of the rubbish goes into the dustbin.
当你在家倒垃圾的时候, 一定要把垃圾全都倒进垃圾箱。
Residents are advised not to put their rubbish bags on the pavement outside their houses.
Outside the bamboo door the ground was strewn with rubbish washed down by the heavy rain.
His hobby is collecting bronze mirrors, which are ridiculed as"rubbish" by his wife.
Rubbish, to throw away in a bad pl ace Litter must be put in rubbish bins. Please dont litter.
Reduce household chores such as throwing away rubbish, or sterilizing rubbish can and the like.
Qinling Mountains tunnel should adopt the scheme of cleaning car to remove the rubbish in the tunnel.
Imagining in the old days, we discard rubbish everyday with the solid trash basket , is it a good idea
就像最早的时候那样, 用实心的垃圾桶, 每天倾倒?
His latest book is rubbish. He seems to think that because he's a famous author he can get away with murder!
Testing study of production of autoclaving brick by making use of building rubbish and industrial waste residue
She was a widow without any children, living barely from hand to mouth by picking odds and ends from rubbish heaps.
她没有孩子, 是一个寡妇, 靠在附近捡零碎的破烂儿勉强过活。
Rubbish collectors are following behind the procession picking up discarded bottles, bound to be making a big fortune today.
Rubbish power stations, which generate electricity from rubbish, should be popularized because they generate energy as well as capitalize on refuse.

单词 rubbish 释义

  • 单词释义:垃圾;劣质物品;废话  [更多..]



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