Wei Water, a branch of the Xiangjiang River, mingles with the Xiangjiang River at Jinggang.
The longest river in Britain is the Severn River. The most important river is Thames River.
The Majia River Resort is located in Majia river bank, is a collection of forest recreation.
马颊河度假村位于马颊河畔, 是集森林休闲。
Industry status and strategy of integrated river basin management in the Chishui River Basin
Liao songs is distributed in Youjiang river, Hongshuihe river, Yongjiang river basin mainly.
嘹歌主要分布在右江, 红水河, 邕江流域。
The Yellow River is our mother river, the Yellow River has created a vast North China Plain.
Study on Water Regime GIS for Flood of the West River, North River and the Pearl River Delta
Possible siltation downstream the tidal barrage at the branch river of Qiantang River estuary
A Comparative Study of the Development of Xiang River Scenic Belt and Rhine River Scenic Belt
Ferry people to the other side of the river The victim was found lying dead on the river bank.
An Analytical Study on the Evolution of River Bed in Chouyanji Reach of the Upper Yangtze River
The branches and leaves of the weeping willows by the river bank are stretching into the river.
As the largest branch of Yellow river, Weihe River is also the longest river in Guanzhong Plain.
渭河是黄河第一大支流, 也是关中平原最大的河流。
Studies on the annual change of soil moisture in the plain of the Songhua River and the Nen River
Third chapter. This part elaborates Yalu River bank and the Tumen river bank smuggling situation.
Winding its way through the northwest of Beijing, Yongding River is the biggest river in the city.
The shadow of trees tinges the river with green, and the willows cast a deep hue over the river bank.
It is located on Dublin Bay at the mouth of the Liffey River at its confluence with the Dodder River.
The water pollution of the Inner Qinhuai River and the outer Qinhuai River and its prevention and cure
Finally, proposes the step of recovering groundwater ecology water level of river basin in Haihe river.
Fractal Dimension of the River Networks and Developing Stage of Drainage Geomorphic of Zuli River Basin
The Neolithic Culture Research in the Yalu River Basin, the Tumen River Basin and the Wusuli River Basin
The fertility level of the reed fields in Yangtze River basin is higher than that in Hanjiang River basin.
For water, the territory of Wayao River, Xin'an River, Canoe River, North River Los circulation territory.
境内有 瓦窑河,新安河,独木河,洛北河流通境内。
Analysis on Adjustment Characteristics and Causes of Cross Section of River Channel in Lower of Weihe River