She was wearing only a thin robe over a flimsy nightdress, and her feet were bare.
The soldiers who spat on Christ as he wore the crown of thorns and the purple robe?
Instead of wearing sackcloth and ashes, Haman had to dress Mordecai in a royal robe.
Outward expression of this in the Asiatic world is the saffron robe and a loincloth.
The robe is deep red and very brilliant. The nose is intense with mulberry and wood.
A woman stood under the persimmon tree, clad in a hooded robe that brushed the grass.
No more would her own hands powder her face Or arrange on her shoulders a silken robe.
Seven yellows were woven into his robe, and his frizzed hair was stained with antimony.
Conservation of the purple twill damask robe with braids on the waist of the Yuan Dynasty
The robe weaving ceremony is held on the eve of the day before fullmoon day in one night.
Please bring a robe and any other items you would like to make your stay more comfortable.
Her robe is a cloud, her face a flower. Her balcony, glimmering with the bright spring dew.
云想衣裳花想容, 春风拂槛露华浓。
Zheng He bestowed on the chief two silver seals, a hat, a girdle and a robe, Ma Huan wrote.
I was clad with justice and I clothed myself with my judgment, as with a robe and a diadem.
我的公正, 犹如我的长袍和冠冕。
Having requested thread, have a robe woven by weavers, it is to be forfeited and confessed.
An ornamental drapingof cloth hung from the shoulders of an academic or ecclesiastical robe.
The Dragon Robe is formal dress for the emperors in ancient China when they attend celebrity.
Second has resentment, use a peaceful silken robe to armour, after borrowing, also avoid meeting.
La vie est une robe luxuriante, avec beaucoup de poux Life is a luxuriant robe with lots of louses
生命是一袭华美的袍, 爬满了虱子
This very cosmos that can so astonish us is the robe of glory with which you have clothed yourself.
La vie est une robe luxuriante, avec beaucoup de poux Life is a luxuriant robe with lots of louses.
Very softly, she put bare feet into slippers, pulled a robe around her and went toward the bathroom.
She always takes great liking to a dazzling robe and likes to have her hair disheveled and bleached.
她总是喜欢眩目长袍, 头发蓬乱而且经过漂白处理。
When Queen Tenderhearted heard the rustling sound made by his bark robe, she rose up suddenly from her couch.
王后听到他那树皮衣发出的沙沙声时, 突然从躺椅上站起来。
The collar and frontal part of the robe are brocaded with a pattern with crimson sable, sleeves with black sale, and linings with horse.
披领及裳俱裱以紫貂, 马蹄袖为薰貂, 天马皮里, 有黄条墨书。