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单词 robber 例句大全,用单词robber造句:

They had built a watchtower to protect the village from robber.
The robber burst the window in when the train was just starting.
Cant stand you armed robber types No technical skills whatsoever.
我最烦你们这些打劫的, 一点技术含量都没有。
The policeman bore down upon the robber when he took out a knife.
警察逼近盗贼时, 他拔出了刀子。
The robber shook in his boots when the police knocked on his door.
当警察敲那强盗的门时, 那强盗吓得直发抖。
You know what you are? You're a bad person. you're an armed robber.
你知道你是什么吗?你是个坏蛋, 你是个持枪抢劫犯。
Police say the robber had apparently forgotten where he put his gun.
Then the robber, with a heavy axe, broke the chain that held the buoy.
Baboon said, the nail could be a weapon if happening to meet a robber.
This is like saying that a bank robbery brings benefits to the robber.
He flung up his hands when the bank robber pointed his gun towards him.
"You," the bank robber said,"lie down on the floor."
A police source told the reporter that the bank robber had kept one hostage.
The gin shall take him by the heel, and the robber shall prevail against him.
The robber hit him on the head with an iron bar, and he went out like a light.
The robber then ordered her to face the wall and began searching the apartment.
And your poverty will come upon you like robber, And your want, like armed man.
你的贫穷就必如强盗来临, 你的缺乏就必如拿兵器的人来到。
The robber stabbed the policeman in the back before they slipped through his fingers.
He had resolved to follow the supposed robber to Calcutta, and farther, if necessary.
The robber took advantage of the old woman's kindness by cheating her to open the door.
The robber chieftain let Pandu and his men go free down the mountain back to Kaushambi.
And Jesus answered and said to them, Have you come out as against a robber with swords and clubs to arrest Me?
At last the robber came to a standstill in front of Jacks chest of drawers and the torch shone into the mouse cage.
最后小偷来到杰克的抽屉前, 光照进老鼠的笼子里。
The old city Chang Ling savings bank is robbed, after the highway robber wields the gun company to kill seven people, makes a getaway.
古城常陵的储蓄所被抢劫, 劫匪挥枪连杀七人后逃之夭夭。
Then, while everyone watched Bank Robber A, Bank Teller B calmly lifted off the top section of the cashbox and slipped bills from the bottom section into his pockets.

单词 robber 释义



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