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单词 roam 例句大全,用单词roam造句:

These animals are seen all over the country and roam freely.
这些动物在这个国家随处可见, 并且可以随意走动。
Vaccinate pets each year and don't allow them to roam outside.
They roam about everywhere, but take here as their shared home.
Fame and wealth may come and go, without them I can freely roam.
名利得失似浮云, 天空海阔任我行!
There are mummies from Egypt, statures of ancient Grace and Roam.
从古埃及的木乃伊, 到古希腊和古罗马的雕塑, 应有尽有。
Dangerous Ghouls that Roam the earth, Devouring anything they see.
No longer does the giant sandworm roam free, producing the spice melange.
再也没有巨大的沙虫四处游荡, 生产香料。
Both beautifully restored VW microbuses and beatenup ones roam the country.
When the fast slowly, calmly without haste, and at random and made to roam.
时快时慢, 从容而不急躁, 并且随意而发地到处游走。
We cannot allow those who are involved in murder and terrorism to roam free.
Scientists have more to do than to allow their imaginations to roam at large.
Here, the European bison in North America, only this piece of land, roam free.
在这里, 欧洲仅有的北美野牛在这片土地上自由地驰骋。
I like to roam in our school, our school is so beautiful, I have a crush on her.
And now, monsters, angels and demons roam across a lawless and chaotic landscape.
In the past I spend a period of time going to the outside to roam about annually.
In East Africa, for example, hundreds of wild animals used to roam across the plains.
Those who had known him best rather agreed that he should be allowed to roam at large.
Sometimes, we just roam around the town in the afternoons, looking in the shop windows.
我们有时下午在街上逛, 看看商店橱窗。
The meteor has unleashed vicious alien creatures who roam the island in search of prey.
Together these two troublers roam a wild and woolly world looking for fun and adventure.
They are usually allowed to roam freely, which contributes to the spread of the disease.
它们通常可以自由行走, 这促使疫病蔓延。
After dark, I liked to roam around the fields along footpaths. The feeling was excellent.
Bison used to roam through the american great plains, but most of them is slaughter by hunter
Farmers were encouraged to keep their livestock in pens rather than letting them roam freely.
Wants to roam through the space, certainly must understand in the space the boarding condition.
想遨游太空, 一定要了解太空上的膳宿条件。

单词 roam 释义



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