All travellers holding Australian passports please move to the queue on the left.
You need to understand this queue system and find out the bottleneck in the pipe.
Next, create a queue that is mapped to the queue destination you already created.
Contains the time that this replication operation was added to the operation queue.
One method for measuring the bandwidth consumed by a queue is to use token buckets.
There was a long queue outside my house, each on wanting to give me a good beating.
However, newly created queue managers are not configured to use a dead letter queue.
The British have always been renowned for their stoic readiness to queue.Not anymore.
英国人一向以对排长队安之若素闻名, 但是现在不是了。
You can now see the number of players from the other faction in a battleground queue.
Make sure you are specifying an accurate name for the print queue, and then try again.
The person ahead of you in the queue, will have the most complex transaction possible.
That specifies the administration queue used for systemgenerated acknowledgment messages.
Specifies the name of the stored procedure to activate to process messages in this queue.
However, in our demonstration program we'll use a priority queue based on a simple array.
然而, 在实际程序中, 将用数组实现优先级队列。
Therefore, the transaction logs cannot be replayed for queue database recovery from backup.
Research on Optimization of Antiaircraft Tactical Communication System based on Queue Theory
They do not interrupt the current thread while waiting for a message to arrive in the queue.
Queues attached to an interface build a tree, thus each queue can have further child queues.
队列是树形结构, 每个队列都可以有子队列。
Finally, the performance of the log server cluster system was analyzed with the queue theory.
If an applicant meets the schools standards, a debenture places him at the head of the queue.
Maximum message length can also be defined for a queue manager, a channel, or an individual queue.
The queue outside the San Pedro Basilica is definitely going to impress a permanent mark in my memory.
That assumes the queue manager can be restored in the first place, which is not necessarily guaranteed.
这就假设队列管理器可首先恢复, 但这是没有保证的。
On hearing these words, I felt ashamed of my behaviour and I made up mind that I will never jump the queue again.
听到这些话, 我为我的行为感到羞愧, 决定再也不插队了。
Mr and Mrs Reeve had just arrived in Narita Airport in Tokyo. They were waiting in the queue for the immigration check.