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单词 quarantine 例句大全,用单词quarantine造句:

The cost of quarantine treatment such as fumigation and disinfection will be collected at actual expenses.
and animal products to be marketed or transported shall be attached with quarantine certificates and marks.
Commodities Inspection Agents professional agent export quarantine inspection, Certificate of original, etc.
its qualifications for inspection and quarantine report by proxy needs to be cancelled due to other reasons.
The first report of the study on irradiation of wax apple from entry as a quarantine treatment for fruit flies
The disease of wheat dwarf bunt is one of the important quarantine targets when importing the plants to China.
Combine Discussion on Some Important Quarantine Nematodes Rejected by Guangzhou Entrance Quarantine Inspection
The quarantine of goods in transport shall be carried out in accordance with relevant regulations of the State.
货物运输的检疫, 依照国家规定办理。
III. There must be an original of the inspection and quarantine certificate for each batch of aquatic products.
The cost of Quarantine treatment such as fumigation and disinfection will be billed according to actual expenses.
Animal products can be sold or transported on the strength of the quarantine certificate and the inspection mark.
As it is necessary to have a health checkup and quarantine, a few more days in the space station will be required.
由于还要检查身体和检疫, 所以还要在航天站中逗留几天。
The above goods are deemed to be qualified by the inspection and quarantine administration. Please allow clearance.
Quarantine officers shall observe quarantine rules in carrying out quarantine and liability for the quarantine results.
动物检疫员应当按照检疫规程实施检疫, 并对检疫结果负责。
The entry exit inspection and quarantine organs shall make verification in accordance with the provisions of the GAQSIQ.
Article 7 The General Administration adopts the system of quarantine approval to the meat products that enters into China.
The customs office shall let them pass after checking the sanitization certificate issued by the health and quarantine organ.
abstract Pulmonary tuberculosis is one of main infectious diseases kept a check on by inspection and quarantine organizations.
If the exit aquatic products exceed the valid term of inspection and quarantine, a new application for inspection must be filed.
Quarantine personnel with animal and plant quarantine organs, who practice favoritism and malpractice in forging quarantine results
The goods required for quarantine according to law, shall not be drawn samples unless they are qualified for the quarantine standard.
No entry meat product may be unloaded from the transportation vehicles without the approval of the inspection and quarantine institutions.
未经检验检疫机构许可, 进境肉类产品不得卸离运输工具。
The Customs office shall let them pass after checking the Certificate of Approval for Special Articles issued by the health and quarantine organ.
The director may by notice published in the Gazette declare any place to be a quarantine centre or an observation Centre for the purposes of this ordinance.
Shall be subject to quarantine inspection upon entering or leaving the territory, permission of entry or exit can only be granted with the approval of the frontier health and quarantine organization.
都应当接受检疫, 经国境卫生检疫机关许可, 方准入境或出境。

单词 quarantine 释义

  • 单词释义:检疫期,隔离期;检疫所,隔离所;四十天的时间  [更多..]



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