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单词 quad 例句大全,用单词quad造句:

I only wish it had a speaker out just to try it with a quad box
我只希望它刚才有一位发言者, 试图用四方块
We added the mathematical model of the pole to that of the quad.
我們加入了桿子的數學模型 到四軸中
is when I saw him on the quad and chased him through Harvard Square.
Triple, Quad and Child fare are based on sharing Twin, no extra bed.
Sleep, go to movies, play bowling, skating on the quad on the tank range.
Quad Xiao was no longer hesitant and started to fight with all his might.
萧四郎不再迟疑, 全力相搏。
Caesar and healthy hair and health easily, rarely have a look, and Quad and.
Until that happens we are stuck with quad cores and six cores to do the job.
在此之前, 我们与四核和六核坚持完成工作。
The first throw quad salchow Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo attempted was flawless.
We can also augment the model to include where we want the quad to be in space.
我們還可以加強模型,以包括 我們希望四軸在空間的位置
The pixel shader computes a ray from the eye to the pixel being drawn on the quad.
We can use mathematical models to estimate the force that I'm applying to the quad.
我們可以用數學模型 估算出我對四軸施力的大小
You have missed all my history lectures, and were caught lighting afire in the quad.
我的历史课你总是缺席, 你在院子里放火被抓。
We then next calculate how the quad should hit the ball so that it flies to where it was thrown from.
然後計算四軸如何擊中球 四軸飛到球丟出的附近
Exhaust gasses run through a larger exhaust that terminates in stainless sport silencers with quad tips.
Chip Carrier Sockets for Plastic Quad Flat Packages for Use in Electronic Equipment, Blank Detail Specification for
Structured Quad Mesh Generation of Curved Surfaces and Method of Locally Adding Mesh Density Based on Mapping Approach
The procession assembled at 9 00 am when the graduates of each individual college and school gathered at the Arts Quad.
早上9点, 各个学院的毕业生聚集在文科大院, 排组列队。
multicore and symmetrical pair quad cables for digital communications horizontal floor wiring solid polyolefin insulate.
multicore and symmetrical pair quad cables for digital communications to be used in harsh environments generic specification

单词 quad 释义

  • 单词释义:四倍;空铅;(大学的)四周有建筑物围绕的方院;四胞胎之一  [更多..]



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