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单词 publish 例句大全,用单词publish造句:

Run out of breakfast, I logged an innovative composition network, began to publish the article.
用完早餐, 我又登录了创新作文网, 开始发表文章。
Up until hitting the Publish button, email had been my main communication with the outside world.
此前, 我主要与外界沟通得方式就是电邮了。
And I demanded that we should publish an advertisement of the particulars in the common newspaper.
It's not difficult to publish a book, but the point is that we can't get a book registration number.
These considerations form the original intention for our journal to publish Sun Wei's academic paper.
凡此种种, 就是本刊发表孙威先生学术论文的初衷。
The Agreement Steward reserves the right to publish new versions of this Agreement from time to time.
This new law will challenge the freedom of the press to publish details about people's private lives.
Article 9. News media shall provide clear indications for the advertisement they publish or broadcast.
Association publish report expect available next week will send two copies for yourselves manufacturer
After the meeting, we undertook inducing arranging to the expert's speech, publish elite as follows now.
As learning agonistic, my print welcomes the deliberate article of this respect, give especially publish.
作为学术论争, 我刊欢迎这方面的商榷文章, 特予以刊载。
He continued to publish it annually for about 25 years, and it came to be known as Poor Richards Almanac.
这本年鉴持续出版了近25年, 以穷理查年鉴为人们所熟知。
Accordingly, want to publish copy since early the brand large part about outstanding and landed enterprise.
因此, 很早以来就想出版一册关于优秀地产企业的品牌大集。
We reserve the right to refuse permission to copy, distribute, broadcast, or publish our copyrighted works.
The amount of time it will take to publish the Global Catalog varies depending on your replication topology.
In this case, old standard net is sentenced to publish apologetic letter, recoup loss of 3000 yuan of spirit.
在该起案件中, 大旗网被判刊登道歉函, 并赔偿3000元精神损失。
For this reason, I shall publish a sheet full of thoughts every morning, for the benefit of my contemporaries.
The Institute continued to publish and circulate its newsletter both in English and French on a quarterly basis.
Newspapers adn magazines offeredthe family huge sums for the exclusive rights to publish stories adn photographs.
The International Bureau shall assemble and publish information concerning the protection of industrial property.
Beijing environment officials have vowed to publish air quality forecasts up to a week in advance during the games.
The outfit of 06 Chun Xia skirt that publish this time desertion girth, extremely comfortable, dilatory, bold unruly.
这回发表的06春夏裙装丢掉腰身, 宽松极了, 拖拖拉拉, 大胆不羁。
They may not publish, broadcast, install or post any advertisements which violate the provisions of these Regulations.
We plan to publish an annual anthology of poems and hereby warmly invite you to contribute your works to our opening project.
D.F. and her colleagues will publish their findings in an upcoming addition edition of actional physical Astrophysical Journal.

单词 publish 释义

  • 单词释义:出版,刊登;发表;公布  [更多..]



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