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单词 publisher 例句大全,用单词publisher造句:

You should apply to the publisher for permission to reprint an extract.
你要刊登摘要, 应请求出版商的准许。
These are usually associated with a major publisher and a strong brand.
This cooperation that I and the publisher is also an enjoyable process.
Aderson, J. R. Cognitive Psychology and Its Implication. Worth Publisher.
王苏 汪安圣 编认知心理学,北京大学出版社。
In this new world, everyone is a publisher and a conveyor of information.
在这个新世界, 人人都是信息的发布者和传播者。
News Corp. is the publisher of the Wall Street Journal, and of this blog.
Author Last name name. Year. Title of Book. City of publication Publisher.
作者姓, 名, 年。书名。出版地出版社。
This again shows that Publisher's attitude towards Web content is changing.
这再次表明, 发行商对待网络内容得态度正在改变。
The publisher proposed to do both a hardback and a cheap paperback edition.
The publisher finished the final edition after proofreading for many times.
校对, 出版社终于完成了定本。
Luellmann, Color Atlas of Pharmacology, 3rd edition, Thieme Publisher, 2003.
Still, the publisher has two large shareholders that have agitated for action.
不过, 该公司仍有两大股东一直在怂恿公司有所行动。
Open three command windows, one for the publisher and two for two subscribers.
Every major publisher receives a daily avalanche of manuscripts and proposals.
Seeing the law awareness of author and publisher from a copyright dispute case.
When book failed to find a publisher, Emerson urged Thoreau to publish expense.
Electronic Arts, the worlds largest games publisher, is jumping on the bandwagon.
The 2 nd, publisher ought to be had certain dimensions and the time that put add.
The publisher is going to run off 1,000 copies of this book for its first edition.
The manuscript corrected in red pen is weel done, it could be sent to a publisher.
It is publisher ought to be had next certain dimensions and the time that put add.
When the book is not in stock its ordered from the publisher by an additional task.
The publisher is going to run off 1, 000 copies of this book for its first edition.
这本书得第一版, 出版商将印1000册。
I'm not sure of the correct name of the book, but only the author and the publisher.
I suspect you're correct and will pass the information on to my editor and publisher.

单词 publisher 释义

  • 单词释义:出版人/机构;发行人/机构  [更多..]



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