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单词 publication 例句大全,用单词publication造句:

these articles have been accepted for this issue. change is possible before publication.
Reexamine and Publication of Budget and Final Accounts of Basic Construction Engineering
With the publication of Copernicus' s manuscript there began a long and bitter argument.
Publication Analysis and Key Words Analysis of the Journal of Science Research Management
The mutual complementarity characteristic of paper publication and electronic publication
Figure 1. 1 Locations of anemometers and tide gauge stations mentioned in this publication.
The Newspaper Association of America has ceased publication ofPresstime its print magazine.
美国报业协会已经停止出版印刷工, 停止其印刷杂志。
Objective To analyze the characteristic of publication of West China Journal of Stomatology.
The results have been simultaneously released in an advance online publication by The Lancet.
I contributed to the publication of two research papers and assisted with a number of others.
When a manuscript has been accepted for publication, it is passed to an editor for detailed scrutiny.
当原稿被采用出版时, 便将它交与一名编辑进行仔细校阅。
As of the date of publication of the judgment, the applicant shall be entitled to payment by the payor.
Mr Bush's administration also stands accused of suppressing the publication of research he did not like.
Basic Requirements for Passing National Examination for Admission to Intermediate Publication Profession
As I am very interested in the publication, I would appreciate it very much if you would send me a copy.
我对此书很感兴趣, 如蒙寄一份给我, 将万分感激。
After publication of the notices, one State reported arresting a person who was the subject of a notice.
Allen E. Buchanan, Marx and justice the radical critique of liberalism, Publication info London Methuen, 1980.
publication or the photocopy that have positive result of academic level job level of English of requirement of
学术论文, 出版物或具有学术水平工作成果的复印件
Please give of publication work listing title, year and publisher. Please also attach abstracts of publications.
The specialty wholesales the national various publishing houses publication each kind of audio and video product.
The Basic Law has received warm support and acclamation from people of all circles in Macao since its publication.
Analysis on the Contents and Characteristics of the Yu Gong Semimonthly, an Academic Publication in the Modern Times of China
我国近代学术刊物 禹贡半月刊的内容及特点试析
Anonymity orders are often issued against newspapers a few hours before publication as an interim measure pending a full hearing.
一般在报纸发行前的几个小时, 总会接到署匿名的命令。
Section listings within a larger publication are a partial exception. In the screenshot above, for example, all the articles pertain to arts or cultural.
Five years later, he abandoned medicine to become editor of the Leeds Times, following the successful publication of several of his articles about self-improvement.

单词 publication 释义

  • 单词释义:出版;出版物;公布;发表  [更多..]



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