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单词 pub 例句大全,用单词pub造句:

Introduction to Applied Numerical Analysis, Hemisphere Pub.
Annie and Joseph have decided to eat lunch at a London pub.
Some redneck beat up some noisy college student at the pub.
David had been on a pub crawl with pals from his rugby club.
They went into a small pub. The pub was crowded with people.
他们进了一家小餐馆, 那个餐馆里挤满了人。
I was working my ass off when my boss kicked back in the pub.
He spends every evening drinking in the pub with his cronies.
As soon as the meeting was over, he made a beeline for the pub.
会议一结束, 他就直接上了酒吧。
Pub A free for all FTP site where anonymous access is permitted.
The owner threatened to chuck us out of the pub if we got drunk.
A brew pub is a bar and restaurant where they brew their own beer.
We stayed in the pub until closing time and we all got well oiled.
我们在酒店里一直呆到打烊时间, 结果我们都喝醉了。
Behind the pub is a small alleyway with trash cans and a brick wall.
We're going to have a crazy night at a new disco pub. Are you coming
George is so involved in debt that he is afraid to appear in the pub.
乔治债台高筑, 因此他怕在酒店露面。
A group of half a dozen men entered the pub and bore down on the bar.
Nobody under 18 is allowed to buy alcohol, either in a pub or in shop.
Bill came home from the pub considerably the worse for wear, ie drunk.
They stayed in the pub until closing time and they all got well oiled.
William wore a big bush hat as a 6 disguise and we went into dingy pub.
When I lift the pub I was confronted by two men who asked me for money.
我离开小酒馆时, 两个男人挡在我面前, 向我讨钱。
Pub did not want a cigar, but accepting it might improve the atmosphere.
帕格并不想吸雪茄烟, 但是接下一支可能会使气氛缓和。
He is a regular barfly. I see him every night at the Goose and Duck pub.
After paying the bill, Tom bound his belongings and went out of the pub.
付了帐单, 汤姆捆起行李, 走出了酒吧。
Pack your husband off to the pub twice a week for some external contact.
一周让你老公去两次酒吧, 和外界接触一下。

单词 pub 释义

  • 单词释义:酒馆,酒店;客栈  [更多..]



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