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单词 puppy 例句大全,用单词puppy造句:

As soon as the door is left ajar the puppy makes a bid for freedom.
这门刚开到一半, 那条小狗就企图逃跑。
The puppy screamed long, horrible screams, with sobs between breaths
After delivery, she will lick each puppy to stimulate its breathing.
在分娩后, 母犬会舔每一只犬仔来促使它们呼吸。
The puppy barked happily in agreement, as if he understood every word.
那小狗似乎都听懂了, 高兴地汪汪叫着表示同意。
When I was a puppy I entertained you with my antics and made you laugh.
当我还是一头小狗的时候, 我的滑稽行径总会惹来你的欢笑。
One morning we came upon an abandoned undernourished puppy on the porch.
一天早上在走廊上我发现了一只营养不良, 被人抛弃的小狗。
The soft circumstance construction during the course of puppy dog breeding
Such puppy love,school days'love,will not blossom generally and bear fruit.
We are astonished at the pandemonium wrought on our household by this puppy.
Such puppy love, school days'love, will not blossom generally and bear fruit.
那样的早恋, 学生时代的爱情, 一般是不会开花结果的。
At my nineteenth year, the puppy love like a falling star bumped my forehead.
十九岁那年, 初恋像一颗流星撞到了我的前额。
I knew that breaking up with my boyfriend would be hard because he is a puppy.
She sincerely apologizes to the puppy, which allows her divided psyche to heal.
She quickly came back yard, and sure enough, the bitch puppy is Dunshou the grave.
她赶紧来到后院, 果然, 小狗正蹲守在母狗的坟前。
The crowd below held their breath as the young woman climbed up to rescue the puppy.
Have your parents ever found your puppy love? What's their attitude towards this problem?
President Obama said he promised a puppy to his two children during the election campaign.
You can directly save the life of a cat or dog, kitten or puppy by becoming a foster parent.
After you have found a breeder you like, then allow the breeder to help you select your puppy.
找到合适的繁殖者后, 也请他为你选择小狗提些建议。
Anybody from a back yard breeder, puppy mill, hobbyist, can put two dogs together and get pups.
Someone was pleading for the return of a lost beagle puppy in the vicinity of our grade school.
It was then that I noticed the image of a puppy with floppy ears beside the Chinese characters.
I blub on a regular basis at movies, books, songs, photos, novel ideas, headaches, puppy snuggles
Make full use of breeding and disease prevention and control during the socialized feeding for puppy dog
Massage stimulates the circulation and thoroughly awakens the puppy. Stroke the puppy's sides and back cloth.

单词 puppy 释义

  • 单词释义:小狗,幼犬;浅薄自负的年轻男子;狂妄自大的小伙子,呆笨的花花公子;〈美俚〉脚  [更多..]



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