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单词 punishment 例句大全,用单词punishment造句:

In accordance with the new Criminal Code, women may not be sentenced to capital punishment or life imprisonment.
leniency toward those who acknowledge their crimes but severe punishment to those who stubbornly refuse to do so
担白从宽, 抗拒从严
Fourthly, the legal punishment of academic misconduct should be confirmed by the laws or administrative principles.
The main methods of administrative liability are admonition punishment, property punishment and behavior punishment.
On the Tradition Thought of Pities Punishment and the Breakthrough of Contemporary Death Penalty Abolishment in China
Distributing punishment for several crimes is distributing punishment for crime that is in modality of several crimes.
Execution of a person by judicial process as a punishment for an offense is called capital punishment or death penalty.
To reinstate the moratorium on capital punishment and adhere to its commitment to progressively abolish the death penalty
恢复暂缓死刑令, 并遵守逐步废除死刑的承诺
The company shall not engage in or support the use of corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion, and verbal abuse.
Some people believe that madness is a synonym for heresy and the punishment for not being accepted by mainstream culture.
To file a defamation accusation against the news media is the typical form of the investigation and punishment afterward.
The developing trend of punishment is the mitigation of punishment on the world. The penalty does not balance with the offense.
This will be the punishment of Egypt and the punishment of all the nations that do not go up to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles.
It is therefore proposed to amend the Security Administration Punishment Act and rename it to Security Administration Punishment Law.
beat, carry out corporal punishment on or instigate other people to beat, carry out corporal punishment on other people under detention
If among the crimes there is any for which a supplementary punishment is imposed, the supplementary punishment shall still be executed.
如果数罪中有判处附加刑的, 附加刑仍须执行。
Punishment will be given in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Commodity Inspection Law and the implementation rules thereof.
It is reported that civilians refusing to acquiesce to the demands of the Government forces are subjected to fines and physical punishment.
One who attempts to commit a crime may, in comparison with one who consummates the crime, be given a lesser punishment or a mitigated punishment.
Do not mock, satirize or discriminate against students. Do not subject students to corporal punishment or disguised forms of corporal punishment.
But in the past two centuries, the debate on the existence or abolish of the Capital punishment has been outspread in the academy of criminal law.
但近两个世纪, 死刑存废的论争在全世界刑法学界展开。
But, expropriation punishment improving and perfecting needs corporal punishment and the Criminal Procedure Law common to move forward right away.
Thirdly, the structure of punishment shall be adjusted and attention shall be paid to the application of pecuniary penalty and punishment against competence.
From ancient times through the18th century, corporal punishment was commonly used in instances that did not call for capital punishment, ostracism, or exile.
Those who surrender themselves voluntarily and perform major meritorious service after committing a crime shall be given a mitigated punishment or exempted from punishment.

单词 punishment 释义



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