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单词 puke 例句大全,用单词puke造句:

Good grief, Tom. Is that puke on your shoe, or what ?
I did not puke, I mean, vomit, but my bowels are loose.
I figured, why eat when I was going to puke it up again?
At this point, you will certainly want to puke your guts up.
这一刻, 你甚至可能会有将自己的内脏都吐出来的想法。
The moral of my story. Get drunk, but dont puke on police men.
我的故事的寓意喝醉酒, 但是不要吐警察一身。
You really make me puke! How could you do such a terrible thing?
Youll end up losing your voice because you puke and burp so much.
You'll end up losing your voice because you puke and burp so much.
你最终会失去你的声音, 因为你呕吐和打嗝这麽多。
Warm summer rain, you bleed just like you puke while running a mile
There's people getting drunk And you've got to finish the thing you puke.
有得人边做边喝, 你可得在吐得一塌糊涂前做完才行。
Can somebody please make this ugly face lose before it starts making me puke Geez.
Jason Hey, Hi Mike. Do you realize that you are wondering around aimlessly in a puke blue jacket
Gross! Just saw a guy passed out near the bus stop covered in his own puke. It was only 10 p.m. btw.
The disease since vomiting is urgent suddenly, chang Xianyou is disgusting, a vomiting of afterwards, puke is gastric content content more.
When we split up after we got paid out I had gut cramps so bad I pulled over and tried to puke, thought I ate somethin bad at that place in Dubois.

单词 puke 释义

  • 单词释义:n.呕吐,呕吐物,吐剂v.呕吐  [更多..]



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