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单词 pull 例句大全,用单词pull造句:

Two sides pull design for added support. Adjustable shoulder straps for easy adjustment.
The engineers who will attempt to pull off Carpenters challenge are not actual engineers.
Howard again overpowers the Lakers to pull down 19 rebounds in addition to his 19 points.
Through the space bar to pull the game only really affected the players Dance Mission it?
On someone pull a face of the translation, to make faces interpretation pull a face means
Dow tried to pull out of the acquisition when its financing for the transaction fell apart.
When these two come into rivalry, you will see it will be a case of pull devil, pull baker.
Dry spray which is removed when subjected to the specified tape pull test is not acceptable.
The adjective hasnt been built that can pull a weak or inaccurate noun out of a tight place.
形容词不能把一个无力, 含糊的名词摆脱自己的困境。
An acre of trees, planted in a desert, could pull two to three tons of that carbon back down.
如果在沙漠中种植一英亩的树, 就能吸收两到三吨的碳。
Which has been calculated Broaching, and must be less than the actual pull broaching machine.
Dry coating which is removed when subjected to the specified tape pull test is not acceptable.
Adjustable seat height Pull push the control lever to adjust the seat to a comfortable height.
To disconnect the AC power cord, pull it out by grasping the plug. Never pull the cord itself.
The first step in the progression is to do breaststroke pull with a pull buoy. but no paddles.
This constant push and pull adjustment for the balance, as long as refrigeration cycle continue.
如此不断的进行推拉调整平衡, 只要制冷循环继续下去。
Liquid Adobe mixter adobe mixture can be pull poured into container call containers called molds.
can adopt the misty and robustness design method and base on to pull press pole model method etc.
This ball is feeling a pull from the string and that provides it with the centripetal acceleration.
They were so deeply absorbed in watching the show on television that they found it hard to pull away.
Such unhealthy tendencies as securing advantage through pull or influence must be checked and stopped
像走后门这一类不正之风, 必须加以帛止
Guile has the ability to pull off two Blade kick in very quick succesion, providing the first is blocked.
第一斩被挡住, 倍斩能快速获胜。
After the process checking's questionnaire returns the dealer achievement to pull out the lottery ticket.
Mechanical link is adopted to pull blade vertically. Operation is conveniently and quickly, and die cutting plate will not deform.
采用连杆机构垂直提拔, 方便迅速, 模板不变形。
Motorists who don't change their own oil still know how to pull out a dipstick, wipe it clean, slip it back in, pull it out and observe the level.

单词 pull 释义

  • 单词释义:拉;抽出;脱下;挣脱;拔出;拖动;收拢;扭伤;转向;吃力运转;划;耍(花招);犯下罪行;吸引;撤销;停车;拉球侧斜  [更多..]



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