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单词 propaganda 例句大全,用单词propaganda造句:

Vice Minister of the State of Central Propaganda Ministry Weicheng Xu chaired today's meeting.
Once she would have been spouting communist propaganda, now she was advertising low, low prices.
以前喇叭里可能是宣传, 现在却是卖低价的广告。
Enteric flora detection for food allergy and healthy infants and health propaganda and education
The teams also specialize in investigating the role of propaganda, financing and sexual assault.
Has a good command of Spanish, grasps the American new opportunity to become its propaganda key.
掌握西班牙语, 把握拉美新机遇成为其宣传重点。
Wang sixtyone Animation is the propaganda image of a national culture good performance practices.
The Social Psychoanalysis of the Decline of Public Belief in the Propaganda of Advanced Characters
Application and effectiveness evaluation on collectivity health propaganda and education in clinic
Adapt the developing situation of business and innovate the propaganda and educational work of union
The pictures could be picked up by the Taliban and used as propaganda against the US and its allies.
Government propaganda called on citizens from all ethnic groups to show mutual tolerance and support.
The propaganda war was becoming intense, with both sides bluffing in the hope of gaining an advantage.
The competition of newspapers and the political propaganda carried the supplement a great step forward.
What is the effect of propaganda and rumor, in cases where the sources of accurate information are cut off?
Its rise and development was closely related with the constitutional advocators and their public propaganda.
Is homebred clean provided in resembling conduct propaganda really in that way valence cheap is thing beautiful
The traditional concept of running the Party newspaper is to regard the Party newspaper as the propaganda tool.
This true historical account attracted the brutal criticism by the Central Propaganda Department's Criticism Group.
这样一篇真实的历史描述, 却遭到中宣部阅评组的蛮横批评。
In May, the Central Committee issued a directive calling for unified external propaganda by the various base areas.
五月间, 中央发布了关于统一各根据地对外宣传的指示。
The Propaganda War for Public Opinions between the CPC and the Kuomintang at the Turn of the Chongqing Negotiations
Propaganda work in hospital always adopted two ways which are the mass communication and interpersonal communication.
The Cominform's activities consisted mainly of publishing propaganda to encourage international communist solidarity.
And false one, the propaganda kicking up a terrific racket for a while will only become the moving backward of history.
The propaganda of family planning should be handled jointly with propaganda department, news department and cultural department.
会同宣传, 新闻, 文化部门搞好计划生育工作的宣传。
At the conference on propaganda it was proposed that Party schools be separated from this training, which I think is the correct thing to do.
宣传工作会议提出党校和轮训分开, 恐怕这个意见是对的。

单词 propaganda 释义

  • 单词释义:n.宣传,[天主教]传道总会  [更多..]



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