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单词 progressively 例句大全,用单词progressively造句:

We should deepen reform of the system for income distribution and progressively rationalize it.
深化收入分配制度改革, 逐步理顺分配关系。
You could argue that as the economy expands it has become progressively harder to tighten policy.
My friend Gayle has been living with cancer for four years and it is progressively getting worse.
A situation where futures prices are progressively higher the further the maturity date is from spot.
The lungs present with early persistent alveolitis followed by later progressively pulmonary fibrosis.
In this regard, the network of partnerships has been strengthened and is being progressively extended.
With anticoagulation therapy, prednisone and cyclophosphamide, the cardiac lesion progressively resolved.
与抗凝治疗, 强的松和环磷酰胺, 心肌病变逐步解决。
From this indicated that the lime improvement earth the ash dosage will decrease progressively gradually.
A device that eliminates or progressively diminishes vibrations or oscillations, as of a magnetic needle.
He starts tomorrow, having gotten progressively worse in each of his last four outings, all Yankees losses.
Compare through frustration level, the mood of out of control oneself is progressively translate into calmly.
The rainfall and runoff depth areis greater in the region of river source, which decreases progressively downstream.
The proving procedures of mathematical propositions construct the system deduced progressively from known conditions.
But the third quarter decreases progressively the buyingquantity is very actually difficult to support this supposition.
To reinstate the moratorium on capital punishment and adhere to its commitment to progressively abolish the death penalty
恢复暂缓死刑令, 并遵守逐步废除死刑的承诺
The expenditure for the educational sector is progressively increasing, representing the third largest in the national budget.
The responsibilities and role of the business sector in respecting and promoting human rights are being progressively acknowledged.
So quiet place one day, make potted flower temperature picks up gradually, make potted flower sufferring aspic progressively anabiosis.
如此静置一日, 使盆花温度逐渐回升, 让受冻盆花逐步复苏。
As you bend into the corner and approach the throttle application point, you progressively release the rest of the pressure from the brake.
当你转进弯角并接近送油点时, 你逐渐释放剩余的刹车力度。

单词 progressively 释义

  • 单词释义:前进地,日益增加地;逐步  [更多..]



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