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单词 progress 例句大全,用单词progress造句:

Substantive progress has been made in the transformation of the ways to achieve economic growth.
二, 转变经济增长方式取得实质性进展。
Education, it was believed, was the sine qua non to achieve progress and to unify the nations.
Consequently, the total number of accused whose trials have been completed or are in progress is60.
The Legislation Enlightenment to Our Relief of Absolute Poverty from UK's Progress of Relief the Poor
The Chamber conducted hearings in three trials that are in progress, involving eight accused persons.
Visible progress has been achieved in promoting science and technology for the benefit of the public.
Research Progress in Metal Oxides for the Abatement of Particulate Matter from Diesel Vehicle Exhaust gases
For one hundred years, research on the genre of Tongcheng article had attained great achievement and progress.
Seeing that your students have made some progress , one will feel a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment.
Access to contraceptives, a focus on maternal health, and advocacy to counter son preference supported progress.
获取避孕品, 关注母亲健康, 反对偏男孩发展。
Ear Pressure bean method to accelerate the birth process on the progress and the role of labor analgesia observed
Equality and mutual benefit, emphasis on practical results, diversity in form and achievement of common progress.
Research Progress of Abiotic Stress Tolerant Mechanisms and Application Prospect of Ammopiptanthus mongolicus Maxim
Disasters are holding back progress on the achievement of poverty reduction and other Millennium Development Goals.
In his comments accompanying the release of the interim progress report, President Bush reiterated his view that the U.
布什发布中期进展报告的同时, 他重申了他的观点。
Renzhe, whether or not you get people reading along with you, Id absolutely love to see regular updates on your progress.
Firstly, accelerate the progress of legislation and establish the legal status of resident the Financial Ombudsman Office
一是加快立法进程, 确立财政监察专员办的法律地位
Longterm atropine treatment of school myopia can eliminate accommodation tonus, prevent or retard the progress of myopia.
长期阿托品治疗能消除调节张力, 中止或减慢近视的进行。
Strengthen the Study on the Science of Law, Speed up the progress of Administrating the Nation in Accordance with the Lav
According to the current rate of progress in shooting the picture, I'm afraid the finishing time has to be delayed again.
Long-term atropine treatment of school myopia can eliminate accommodation tonus and prevent or retard the progress of myopia.
Both were susceptible, in the highest degree, of the sort of hideous progress which is accomplished in the direction of evil.
This further begets a lack of willingness for mutual accommodation, making progress on nuclear disarmament even more difficult.
这又导致缺乏互谅互让的意愿, 致使核裁军进展更加困难。
Bring the Superiority of China Abounding with Special Kinds of Animal Fibres into Full Play and Promote the Progress of Woolen and Worsted Industry
The international community must, with a greater sense of urgency and responsibility, take solid steps together in the following aspects to achieve common progress.
国际社会应增强紧迫感和责任感, 携手共进, 扎实工作。

单词 progress 释义

  • 单词释义:进步;前进;进展  [更多..]



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