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单词 protest 例句大全,用单词protest造句:

She had fallen into his arms without a single protest, but because she loved him.
My mother did not suffer her authority to pass from her without a shadow of protest.
我母亲并不是连一丝一毫都没反抗, 就让她的大权旁落的。
If it is a letter of protest, the protest should be grounded in reason, not emotion.
如果是一封抗议信, 这个抗议要讲道理, 不是凭感情。
By the enclosed protest you will perceive that this bill has been refused acceptance.
This protest activity is mix by labour union turn over poor organization to initiate.
They agreed to return to work but under protest at the wage freeze and benefits cuts.
sooner had the proposal been announced No at the meeting than she stood up to protest.
这项建议在会上一宣布, 他就站起来提出异议。
This claim has aroused a lot of people jump on the donkey's body to force the protest.
Union leaders called for the active participation of all members in the day of protest.
Within hours of the announcement, crowds filled the streets of Kuala Lumpur in protest.
Iran's official news agency says Tehran has lodged a protest to Iraq's foreign ministry.
伊朗官方通讯社说, 德黑兰向伊拉克外交部提出了抗议。
He also lays aside any right to protest,now or in the future,that the child is not his.
The students sat in at the administrative building to protest against discrimination of race.
The arrival of the police triggered off a storm of protest further the demonstrators claimed.
No sooner had the proposal been announced at the meeting than she got to her feet and protest.
这项建议在会议上一宣布, 她就站起来提出异议。
own known admit declare assert proclaim acknowledge confess make announce profess protest avow to.
My classmates who scheduled to attend the recruitment volunteers joying to the protest team at last.
Because the documentary film, film ah protest concert ah, take pictures and sound recording is separate.
因为拍纪录片, 拍示威啊演唱会啊, 拍画面和录音是分开的。
Since it can examine the whole case, its examination scope is beyond the limitof the appeal and protest.
This announcement was met with incredulous stares from everyone and a passionate protest from Kuei Changlin.
The United Kingdom rebutted the Argentine protest to which the Argentine press release refers on16 November.
The United Kingdom rebutted the Argentine protest to which the Argentine press release refers on18 November.
On Thursday, tens of thousands of Greek civil servants staged a strike to protest against the austerity programme.
A total of four universities have decided to boycott classes next week to protest against the proposed education funding cuts.
已有四家大学决定下周罢课, 抗议削减大学拨款。
But the creditors of the late Percy Driscoll's estate protest that Tom's value as a slave should have been counted amongst its assets;

单词 protest 释义

  • 单词释义:抗议;反对;申明  [更多..]



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