It must appear in the prologue of the document , and it contains several socalled pseudoattributes.
它必须出现在文档的开始, 并且包含几个所谓的伪属性。
Is predestined friends unqualified, is the tragedy prologue, also is the leader who destroys the heart.
We present below a slightly modernized version of the passage in the prologue, which describes the wife of Bath.
Mankind has been out of the industry civilization and the prologue of information age has been unfolding gradually.
人类已走出工业文明, 信息时代的序幕正逐渐拉开。
We view last season as a prologue. This season focuses on the actualization of our characters and delves into their lives.
After much deliberation, it was decided to do away with a prologue as it would have been so overstuffed with information.