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单词 primate 例句大全,用单词primate造句:

Its the first time thats happened for an African primate in 83 years.
Nails are the primate equivalent of hooves and claws on other animals.
Nine hours of feeding per day seems to be the practical limit for a primate.
9 个小时的每日饲喂 是灵长类动物的实际限制。
The theory pushes the history of primate evolution back some ten million years.
Right before our eyes is exquisite detail of what the little primate looked like.
and provides latest news, resources in Primatology information relevant to Primate.
还包括最新新闻, 灵长类学的资源, 灵长类相关的信息。
A primate of the family Hominidae, of which HOMO sapiens is the only extant species.
人科的人科中的灵长类, 其中智人是唯一现存的种类
A primate of the family Hominidae, of whitch Homo sapiens is the only extant species.
The remaining eight specimens did not fit with any known east Asian Pleistocene primate.
When you pay the peanuts, you get the monkey,with apologies to the primate everywhere.
Human beings are the only primate species that regularly seeks assistance during labor and delivery.
The only primate that spurns all plant material as food living entirely on insects and small vertebrates.
Objective To investigate the regenerative capacity and form of the corneal endothelial cells of the primate.
We evolved as a social primate species whose language ability facilitated the exchange of such association anecdotes.
我们演化为社会灵长类, 语言能力使得这样的联想轶事流通。
The squirrel monkey is a small primate often chosen as pets due to the fact that they are more active during the day.

单词 primate 释义

  • 单词释义:灵长目动物;(英国教会的)大主教;<古>首领;监督长  [更多..]



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