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单词 pretty 例句大全,用单词pretty造句:

And while that sounds a bit boastful, it's a pretty accurate representation.
Because if I don't whine pretty accurately, people might do the wrong thing.
Resto druids are pretty amazing on Live and have a pretty good healer niche.
I suspect it will be pretty crazy and I'll be pretty busy for the next year.
Say ab extra bonze good recite scriptures, probably this word is pretty good.
都说外来的和尚好念经, 大概这句话是不错的。
I've never been the kind of person who really cares, I can adjust pretty easily.
pretty close to It was a shrewd assessment and probably pretty close to the truth
这是个精明的估断, 或许相当接近事实
Absolutely, exquisitely minute, and yet we've discovered pretty much the full set.
完全的,极致的微小 但我们几乎还是全部发现了它们
So eVery abundance item of expenditure ought to be proved by a pretty cash voucIT.
While it doesn't cost a dine to dream, acting on your dreams can be pretty pricey.
We do also have some pretty extreme missions, where the carnage meter is pretty high.
我们确实也有一些非常极端的任务, 那里的屠杀米则相当高。
And so, we can say, although not absolutely true, that it's pretty close to being true.
She was wearing a purple cotton shirt accompanied by an orange silk scarf. Really pretty!
In this case, boiling water canning is for canning things that are already pretty acidic.
这个例子中,沸水中的罐头 是用来贮存酸性食物的
So we forget, but we're also adaptable, and we adapt to situations around us pretty well.
我们会忘记,但是我们适应力很强 适应周遭的各种情况
But then, forseti's pretty tall, too, so nb's actual height is still up to interpretation.
Wise decision! I'm pretty sure that you will get addicted to it as soon as you try one bite.
He borrowed cash and installed a soda fountain and pretty soon he abundance nice less business.
As youve seen repeatedly, regular expressions can get pretty hairy and unreadable pretty quickly.
就像你多次看到的, 正则表达式越晦涩难懂越快,
Be pretty good of course, when investing rich at present, growing is firmer method, accrual ideal.
Altogether I paid pretty dear for my monthly fourpenny piece, in the shape of these abominable fancies.
这个可憎的地方是如此的脏和不好闻, 他作呕地走开。
And I told him I thought that was a pretty admirable thing for him to do to be in charge of the whole program.
But this problem should seem, pretty familiar to all of you because I'm pretty sure, you've seen it somewhere else.
A favorable regulatory environment is about all the additional support the industry needs to push ahead, and that is pretty much guaranteed.
The hook on Kara’s ‘Pretty Girl’ is really catchy, even though they butchered the English language lol. “If you wanna pretty, every wanna pretty?” bwahahaha!

单词 pretty 释义

  • 单词释义:漂亮的;美丽的;赏心悦目的  [更多..]



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