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单词 prestige 例句大全,用单词prestige造句:

play simply for the fun and exercise but as soon as the question of prestige arises.
He felt that there was prestige in having a wife, not to mention a comfortable home.
Only when a brand represents the prestige of being the minority, can it become fashion.
当一个品牌代表少数人的优越感时, 才能成为时尚。
We determined upon combating all tendencies that might spoil the prestige of the party.
Hoped everybody forever supports the Wei cypress Forever when a prestige helps Refuels!
Knowledge, learning and outlook are the basis on which teacher's high prestige is built.
Power and prestige of the Qupai gongs, Chengzhang both independent and combination sets.
威风锣鼓的曲牌, 既独立成章, 又联缀成套。
Does not tarnish the company honor. 5. maintenance enterprise prestige as well as benefit.
However, flood light shine in the front cylinder urn, lost power and prestige of the past.
但是, 洪水在油光瓦亮的瓮缸坝前, 失去了往日的威风。
The Party enjoys immense prestige and authority among the masses, the government much less.
党在群众中有极大的威权, 政府的威权却差得多。
Has the prestige the collector, expected later will have the more cooperations opportunity.
Every bit of the dignity and prestige built up by the landlords is being swept into the dust.
地主的体面威风, 扫地以荆
Cultural impacts include strengthening local consciousness and promoting destination prestige.
American prestige has further suffered from the financial crisis originating in the United States.
Wang is and performing arts classes Chaoqun, high prestige, is the first authoritative film industry.
As the president's prestige continues to fall, they're clearly beginning to consider him a liability.
Supreme in authority, the peasant association allows the landlord no say and sweeps away his prestige.
农会权力无上, 不许地主说话, 把地主的威风扫光。
Zhang Shizhao submitted the written statement to a higher authority against the prestige for four times
These are the members of the beholder mage prestige class, and the power they wield is truly impressive.
Worse still for the Concorde is the damage to its prestige that the crash and the grounding have caused.
Tiger image is powerful and prestige, represents braveness, persistence, majesty, strength and flourishing.
Centaur also are considered to have the feat Mounted Combat for purposes of feat and prestige class prerequisites.
This website mainly aims at the customer, who has the certain business friendly intercourse, increased the prestige.
The company sincerely invites the colleague of the strong prestige in all parts of the world to join and act as agent.
Extravagant or eccentric outfits create publicity and prestige that help sell more affordable perfume and cosmetics bearing the house name.

单词 prestige 释义

  • 单词释义:威信,威望,声望;声誉;(财势的)显赫;信望  [更多..]



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