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单词 pressing 例句大全,用单词pressing造句:

Arguably, the need for that sort of secretarygeneral has lately become more pressing.
正因如此, 近年来需要此种秘书长的要求越来越迫切。
Tie pot is used in pressing. The pressure can be adjusted conveniently and accurately.
In addition, they can recognize texture and the force of a movement, such as pressing.
另外, 它们能够辨别质地和运动的力, 比如, 压力。
Design of melon section variable angle compound pressing tire tool of large shell head
stripping Pressing on the abdomen to release eggs or milt for artificial fertilisation.
On the maoba book back crooked are armed with single hot pressing back machine on board.
Allow the engine to run at idle speed for a few minutes without pressing the accelerator.
This is accomplished by pressing the balls together from the back the rack the apex ball.
Technology analysis and improvement for pressing auto spoke and assembly of spoke and rim
The most pressing affair for us now is how to prevent intellectual crime in all its forms.
Highlight a menu option by placing the arrow cursor on the option and pressing the button.
Experimental Study on Multipass Equal Channel Angular Pressing of Pure Al Sintered Material
The direction she is pressing the dream is for further development of algae as fuel instead.
她将梦想所推向的方向, 是相反来进一步发展海藻类燃料。
Effect of die structure to microstructure of materials through equal channel angular pressing
The tumor occupied almost the entire abdominal cavity and was pressing on her internal organs.
这颗肿瘤几乎占据了她的整个腹腔, 而且还挤压到内脏。
Academic controversy often carries a living person of the dead pressing Revive in a new guise.
Clinical Observation on Effect of Auricular Acupoint Pressing in Treating Sleep Apnea Syndrome
It is constructed as double pressing type has two sets of charging devices two pressing wheels.
其结构为双压式, 有两套加料装置和两套压轮。
Can be compared by pressing or demolition to determine the shock absorber spring is good or bad.
Density and intensity of bamboo timber dried via hot pressing method were measured and analyzed.
We need to address the more modern, pressing problems that these whales face in our waters today.
我们需要面对如今鲸鱼所面临的 更当代,更紧迫的问题。
This is accomplished by pressing the balls together from the back of the rack toward the apex ball.
That is, the sensitibvity membrane is in operation now coated adhesive, then hot pressing Marigold.
The double action pressing formation is adopted so as to make compactness of brick biscuit uniform.
采用双向压制成型, 可使砖坯密实性均匀
It is allowed to adjust the turret speed, depth of filling materialtablet thickness during pressing.
压片时转盘的速度, 物料的充填深度, 压片厚度均可调节。

单词 pressing 释义

  • 单词释义:紧迫的,紧急的;迫切的,急迫的;恳切的  [更多..]



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